contao / standard-edition

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Attempted to load class \"Config\" from the global namespace. #64

Closed bennyborn closed 7 years ago

bennyborn commented 7 years ago

Just tried to update to Contao 4.4, even tried a fresh installation of the standard-edition. In both cases I end up with the following exception:

app.CRITICAL: An exception occurred. {"exception":"[object] (Symfony\\Component\\Debug\\Exception\\ClassNotFoundException(code: 0): Attempted to load class \"Config\" from the global namespace.\nDid you forget a \"use\" statement? at E:\\Programme\\UwAmp\\www\\ubm\\vendor\\contao\\core-bundle\\src\\Resources\\contao\\library\\Contao\\Environment.php:537)"} []

Some users in the forums have the same problem while the managed-edition seems to run fine.

aschempp commented 7 years ago

If you use the standard edition, you have to update your application configuration after updates. Make sure your app files and web entry points are in sync with the standard edition.

bennyborn commented 7 years ago

They are. As I already mentioned this also happens in a completely fresh installation of the standard-edition

composer create-project contao/standard-edition something
michb commented 7 years ago

I've now setup several Contao 4.4.0 projects using Composer and got similar errors that seem to fit this issue. Sometimes I recieve the same error as mentioned above or the same problem with the \Validator class.

Yesterday I aditionally installed Isotope. Everything worked fine. And Today after starting my development enviroment I got this error

Attempted to load class "Payment" from namespace "Isotope\Model". Did you forget a "use" statement for another namespace?
aschempp commented 7 years ago

Looks like the Contao framework is not correctly bootet, the Contao class loader does not work. I don't have an explanation out of my head why this would happen in the standard-edition but not managed-edition. I assume you correctly registered all bundles in the kernel…?

michb commented 7 years ago

While I encounted this problem I also set-up a managed edition, to see what happens. There I got the same errors.

AppKernel was edited to load additional modules in the right order.

aschempp commented 7 years ago

Interesting. Can you post a composer show result?

michb commented 7 years ago

sure, I compared this installation with a working one and see no difference, despite the fact that Isotope is installed.

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contao-components/contao                  7.1.1     Contao Open Source CMS components
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contao-components/respimage               1.4.2     Respimage.js integration for Contao Open Source CMS
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contao/manager-plugin                     2.1.0     Contao 4 manager plugin
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aschempp commented 7 years ago

You're not using Authoritative class maps right?

michb commented 7 years ago

Right, i'm not using this.

bennyborn commented 7 years ago

Interestingly I am able to reproduce this problem (Attempted to load class "Config") permanently by installing any extension which has a .htaccess file (mostly located in the assets folder of the extension).

In my case it doesn't even matter where exactly this file is located as long as it's in system/modules.

Does any Autoloader try to scan this folder and gets somehow confused by the .htaccess?

bennyborn commented 7 years ago

Upon further inspection this problem seems to be related to the installation-bundle rather than the standard-edition.

Trying to get Isotope running yields fatal errors where some classes are not found and this error printing is a pure PHP error, not a Symfony one.

( ! ) Fatal error: Class 'Model' not found in D:\Programme\UwAmp\www\NOTIMPORTANT\vendor\isotope\isotope-core\system\modules\isotope\library\Isotope\Model\Config.php on line 68
Call Stack
#   Time    Memory  Function    Location
1   2.0020  11230688    Symfony\Component\Debug\ErrorHandler->handleException( )    ...\ErrorHandler.php:0
2   2.0067  11316920    Symfony\Component\Debug\FatalErrorHandler\ClassNotFoundFatalErrorHandler->handleError( )    ...\ErrorHandler.php:557
3   2.0068  11317344    Symfony\Component\Debug\FatalErrorHandler\ClassNotFoundFatalErrorHandler->getClassCandidates( ) ...\ClassNotFoundFatalErrorHandler.php:62
4   2.3267  11337064    Symfony\Component\Debug\FatalErrorHandler\ClassNotFoundFatalErrorHandler->findClassInPath( )    ...\ClassNotFoundFatalErrorHandler.php:111
5   2.4741  11340448    Symfony\Component\Debug\FatalErrorHandler\ClassNotFoundFatalErrorHandler->convertFileToClass( ) ...\ClassNotFoundFatalErrorHandler.php:143
6   2.4759  11377040    require_once( 'D:\Programme\UwAmp\www\NOTIMPORTANT\vendor\isotope\isotope-core\system\modules\isotope\library\Isotope\Model\Config.php' )   ...\ClassNotFoundFatalErrorHandler.php:188

( ! ) Fatal error: Class 'Model' not found in D:\Programme\UwAmp\www\NOTIMPORTANT\vendor\codefog\contao-haste\library\Haste\Model\Model.php on line 15
Call Stack
#   Time    Memory  Function    Location
1   2.0020  11230688    Symfony\Component\Debug\ErrorHandler->handleException( )    ...\ErrorHandler.php:0
2   2.0067  11316920    Symfony\Component\Debug\FatalErrorHandler\ClassNotFoundFatalErrorHandler->handleError( )    ...\ErrorHandler.php:557
3   2.0068  11317344    Symfony\Component\Debug\FatalErrorHandler\ClassNotFoundFatalErrorHandler->getClassCandidates( ) ...\ClassNotFoundFatalErrorHandler.php:62
4   2.3267  11337064    Symfony\Component\Debug\FatalErrorHandler\ClassNotFoundFatalErrorHandler->findClassInPath( )    ...\ClassNotFoundFatalErrorHandler.php:111
5   2.4741  11340448    Symfony\Component\Debug\FatalErrorHandler\ClassNotFoundFatalErrorHandler->convertFileToClass( ) ...\ClassNotFoundFatalErrorHandler.php:143
6   2.4759  11377040    require_once( 'D:\Programme\UwAmp\www\NOTIMPORTANT\vendor\isotope\isotope-core\system\modules\isotope\library\Isotope\Model\Config.php' )   ...\ClassNotFoundFatalErrorHandler.php:188
7   2.4764  11377184    Symfony\Component\Debug\ErrorHandler::handleFatalError( )   ...\ErrorHandler.php:0
8   2.4765  11370736    Symfony\Component\Debug\ErrorHandler->handleException( )    ...\ErrorHandler.php:629
9   2.4765  11371080    Symfony\Component\Debug\FatalErrorHandler\ClassNotFoundFatalErrorHandler->handleError( )    ...\ErrorHandler.php:557
10  2.4765  11371504    Symfony\Component\Debug\FatalErrorHandler\ClassNotFoundFatalErrorHandler->getClassCandidates( ) ...\ClassNotFoundFatalErrorHandler.php:62
11  3.1546  11373376    Symfony\Component\Debug\FatalErrorHandler\ClassNotFoundFatalErrorHandler->findClassInPath( )    ...\ClassNotFoundFatalErrorHandler.php:111
12  3.2045  11376360    Symfony\Component\Debug\FatalErrorHandler\ClassNotFoundFatalErrorHandler->convertFileToClass( ) ...\ClassNotFoundFatalErrorHandler.php:143
13  3.2059  11425568    require_once( 'D:\Programme\UwAmp\www\NOTIMPORTANT\vendor\codefog\contao-haste\library\Haste\Model\Model.php' ) ...\ClassNotFoundFatalErrorHandler.php:188

In conclusion there seems to be some autoloading related problems in the installation-bundle.

dmolineus commented 7 years ago

Does this issue only occur on windows machines?

bennyborn commented 7 years ago

Yep, Windows only. Never encountered such problems on a Linux machine. Unfortunately Windows is our main development platform.

fritzmg commented 7 years ago

Here are two more cases:

I am developing on Windows as well - though I never encountered this issue so far.

fritzmg commented 7 years ago

Looks like the Contao framework is not correctly bootet, the Contao class loader does not work.

What's weird though is that only the Config class (or at least only specific classes) do not work. The error occurs within the Environment class of Contao - so obviously at least that one got loaded just fine.

ausi commented 7 years ago

@fritzmg If the Environment class was used with the Contao\ namespace it gets loaded via the Composer autoloader. So if \Contao\Environment::get('agent') gets called before the framework was booted, the Environment class gets loaded from the Contao namespace, but this error occurs because the Config class is missing from the global namespace.

fritzmg commented 7 years ago

I see. Looking at the this could happen if


returns false for some reason - and thus the Contao Framework is not initialized. Because once the InstallationController calls its render function, Environment::get('agent') will be accessed (through addDefaultsToContext).

However, under what circumstances does $this->container->has('contao.framework') return false? I tested it again with a completely fresh non-composer install (i.e. downloading the Contao 4.4.2 Managed Edition from and then directly opening the Install Tool with $this->container->has('contao.framework') will return true right away.

Same story with composer create-project contao/managed-edition.

dmolineus commented 7 years ago

Das Problem tritt dann auf, wenn InstallationController.php#L59-L61 einen Fehler wirft, Z.B. fehlerhafte Symlinkerstellung unter Windows.

Ist dies der Fall, ruft InstallationController.php#L127-L131 die Methode render() auf bevor das Contao-Framework initialisiert wurde. render() nutzt die Environment-Klasse InstallationController.php#L589, die die Config Klasse über den Alias \Config nutzt.

fritzmg commented 7 years ago

I was able to reproduce the problem under Linux as well. If the PHP process is unable to create symlinks, this error will occur.

 (1/1) ClassNotFoundException

Attempted to load class "Config" from the global namespace.
Did you forget a "use" statement?
in Environment.php (line 537)
at Environment::agent()in Environment.php (line 65)
at Environment::get('agent')in InstallationController.php (line 589)
at InstallationController->addDefaultsToContext(array('has_admin' => false, 'hide_admin' => false, 'output' => ' --- ------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------    Symlink   Target / Error  --- ------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ✘ web/files/content Failed to create symbolic link from "../../files/content" to "[…]/htdocs/web/files/content". ✘ web/files/vendor Failed to create symbolic link from "../../files/vendor" to "[…]/htdocs/web/files/vendor". ✘ web/files/deathtostock Failed to create symbolic link from "../../files/deathtostock" to "[…]/htdocs/web/files/deathtostock". ✘ web/files/themes/[…] Failed to create symbolic link from "../../../files/themes/[…]" to "[…]/htdocs/web/files/themes/[…]". ✘ web/system/modules/backend_documentation/assets Failed to create symbolic link from "../../../../system/modules/backend_documentation/assets" to "[…]/htdocs/web/system/modules/backend_documentation/assets". ✘ web/system/modules/widget_tree_picker/assets Failed to create symbolic link from "../../../../system/modules/widget_tree_picker/assets" to "[…]/htdocs/web/system/modules/widget_tree_picker/assets". ✘ web/system/modules/widget_tree_picker/public Failed to create symbolic link from "../../../../system/modules/widget_tree_picker/public" to "[…]/htdocs/web/system/modules/widget_tree_picker/public". ✘ web/system/modules/news_categories/assets Failed to create symbolic link from "../../../../system/modules/news_categories/assets" to "[…]/htdocs/web/system/modules/news_categories/assets". ✔ system/themes/flexible vendor/contao/core-bundle/src/Resources/contao/themes/flexible ✔ web/assets assets ✔ web/system/themes system/themes ✔ system/logs var/logs --- ------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ', 'request_token' => 'h8XKej5HiEOXQjehTqxSQAa2_gd9gC-a0reAippvW5M', 'language' => 'en'))in InstallationController.php (line 542)
at InstallationController->render('initialize.html.twig', array('output' => ' --- ------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------    Symlink   Target / Error  --- ------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ✘ web/files/content Failed to create symbolic link from "../../files/content" to "[…]/htdocs/web/files/content". ✘ web/files/vendor Failed to create symbolic link from "../../files/vendor" to "[…]/htdocs/web/files/vendor". ✘ web/files/deathtostock Failed to create symbolic link from "../../files/deathtostock" to "[…]/htdocs/web/files/deathtostock". ✘ web/files/themes/[…] Failed to create symbolic link from "../../../files/themes/[…]" to "[…]/htdocs/web/files/themes/[…]". ✘ web/system/modules/backend_documentation/assets Failed to create symbolic link from "../../../../system/modules/backend_documentation/assets" to "[…]/htdocs/web/system/modules/backend_documentation/assets". ✘ web/system/modules/widget_tree_picker/assets Failed to create symbolic link from "../../../../system/modules/widget_tree_picker/assets" to "[…]/htdocs/web/system/modules/widget_tree_picker/assets". ✘ web/system/modules/widget_tree_picker/public Failed to create symbolic link from "../../../../system/modules/widget_tree_picker/public" to "[…]/htdocs/web/system/modules/widget_tree_picker/public". ✘ web/system/modules/news_categories/assets Failed to create symbolic link from "../../../../system/modules/news_categories/assets" to "[…]/htdocs/web/system/modules/news_categories/assets". ✔ system/themes/flexible vendor/contao/core-bundle/src/Resources/contao/themes/flexible ✔ web/assets assets ✔ web/system/themes system/themes ✔ system/logs var/logs --- ------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '))in InstallationController.php (line 129)
at InstallationController->initializeApplication()in InstallationController.php (line 59)
at InstallationController->installAction()
at call_user_func_array(array(object(InstallationController), 'installAction'), array())in HttpKernel.php (line 153)
at HttpKernel->handleRaw(object(Request), 1)in HttpKernel.php (line 68)
at HttpKernel->handle(object(Request), 1, true)in Kernel.php (line 171)
at Kernel->handle(object(Request))in app_dev.php (line 62)

I can confirm the conclusion of @dmolineus

fritzmg commented 7 years ago

Proposed fix:

     * Initializes the application.
     * @return Response|null
    private function initializeApplication()
        $event = new InitializeApplicationEvent();

        $this->container->get('event_dispatcher')->dispatch(ContaoInstallationEvents::INITIALIZE_APPLICATION, $event);

        if ($event->hasOutput()) {
            return $this->render('initialize.html.twig', [
                'output' => $event->getOutput(),
+               'ua' => '',

        return null;

Since the Contao Framework is definitely not initialized yet when initializeApplication is called, this would prevent the Environment class from being used. This will then show this screen (which otherwise currently does not work):

screen shot 2017-08-07 at 13 48 21

I'd like a more robust solution for this though.

ausi commented 7 years ago

Shouldn’t this be fixed in installation-bundle/src/Controller/InstallationController.php:589 by checking against $this->container->get('contao.framework')->isInitialized() ?

fritzmg commented 7 years ago

Yes, but you would also need a $this->container->has('contao.framework'), right?

ausi commented 7 years ago


if (
    && $this->container->get('contao.framework')->isInitialized()
) {
    $context['ua'] = Environment::get('agent')->class;
fritzmg commented 7 years ago

So in total it would be

if (!isset($context['ua']) &&
    $this->container->has('contao.framework') && 
    $this->container->get('contao.framework')->isInitialized()) {
    $context['ua'] = Environment::get('agent')->class;
leofeyer commented 7 years ago

Fixed in contao/installation-bundle@f04da58fe3607a890dd193cbaa8e188be3080f00.