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English home page has broken sentence under "Easy. Intuitive." #136

Closed gmpf closed 3 years ago

gmpf commented 3 years ago

In the features area, it says:

Easy. Intuitive. Thanks to its con­sis­tent op­er­at­ing con­cepts, and to ed­i­tors who quick­ly piv­ot to make up­dates and changes Con­tao.

Something seems to have gotten mangled there; there are either words missing or too many words in the wrong place. The original German says this:

Dank des durch­gän­gi­gen Be­dien­kon­zep­tes fin­den sich Re­dak­teu­re schnell in Con­tao zu­recht.

I'm neither a native English speaker nor a professional translator, but I suppose, depending on whether this is about ease of use or ease of learning, it could be:

Thanks to its con­sis­tent op­er­at­ing con­cepts, ed­i­tors quick­ly find their way around Con­tao.


Thanks to its con­sis­tent op­er­at­ing con­cepts, ed­i­tors quick­ly familiarize themselves with Con­tao / become familiar with Con­tao.

leofeyer commented 3 years ago
