There was an error in your GraphQL query:
toFormat seems to be empty, we need a fileExtension to set it.
1 | fragment GatsbyContentfulFluid_tracedSVG on ContentfulFluid {
> 2 | tracedSVG
| ^
3 | aspectRatio
4 | src
5 | srcSet
6 | sizes
7 | }
8 |
9 | query BlogPostBySlug($slug: String!) {
10 | site {
11 | siteMetadata {
12 | title
File path: C:/Users/Me/Documents/Programming/Websites/contentful-starter/src/templates/blog-post.js
Url path: /blog/a-new-post/
Plugin: none
not finished run page queries - 0.045s
This error comes from me going to google, right-clicking any image, choosing "copy image address" and pasting that link in a Contentful entry when submitting a URL for my hero image. This issue goes away when I replace the image with a local image that I instead upload to Contentful.
This error comes from me going to google, right-clicking any image, choosing "copy image address" and pasting that link in a Contentful entry when submitting a URL for my hero image. This issue goes away when I replace the image with a local image that I instead upload to Contentful.