contentful / experience-builder
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Built in styles that affect children broken in editor preview #551

Open samiresua opened 1 month ago

samiresua commented 1 month ago

Built in styles that change the way children render such as cfHorizontalAlignment, cfVerticalAlignment, cfGap, cfFlexWrap, cfFlexDirection don't seem to have any effect in the editor preview, this issue seems to be happening because of a wrapping element added for the purpose of dragging elements around the canvas.

I have worked around this issue for now with the following css in my project

[data-rfd-droppable-id] {
    justify-content: inherit;
    justify-items: inherit;
    align-items: inherit;
    align-content: inherit;
    gap: inherit;
    flex-wrap: inherit;
    flex-direction: inherit;
    display: inherit;
ryunsong-contentful commented 4 weeks ago

Hey samiresua, we are aware of this issue and have plans to tackle this sooner rather than later as we believe this to be high priority