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in-person meetings/conferences #583

Open mcr opened 10 years ago

mcr commented 10 years ago

At a dinner on 2014-03-04, a number of (IETF) IPv6/IoT enthusiasts who also use Contiki got together to chat. We came to conclude that we need to have some informal structure of regular meetings of people who can, working towards having some more formal events. Those of us who attend IETF regularly suggest that we have something co-located/co-linear with IETF meetings, and thinking about where the various people are, we discussed working towards having a pre-IETF or post-IETF Saturday conference. Our target to absolutely do this is the Berlin July 2016 IETF96, but think that IETF93 in Prague might also be workable.
We discussed having a regular IETFxx dinner for Contiki people, and we think that we are going to go ahead with this. There might be other places to organize things: OSCON? Google I/O? other things?

g-oikonomou commented 10 years ago

First of all, apologies for taking so long to reply to this. I needed to find an opportunity to reply properly.

As @mcr says, we discussed (among many other things) the possibility of occasional in-person meetings, potentially working towards something more 'formal'.

For a while now, I've been toying with the idea of a "Contiki Summit". What I originally had in mind was a conference-style event, during which users of Contiki would get a chance to talk about cool Contiki-related stuff. New Contiki-powered products (sales pitches prohibited!), Contiki-powered research papers (but doesn't count as a peer-reviewed publication!), patches, features, experiences, testbeds, success stories, anything and everything Contiki. This would help make Contiki more widely known and also it would help shape its future development directions. I was hoping to make this an event whereby the attendance of speakers would be funded by the event itself and then I started thinking of potential sponsors. During said dinner, Michael and Kerry argued (and convinced me) that an event like that would be better-off taking place at the side of something bigger and IETF / OSCON sounded like a good idea. Many of us regularly attend IETF anyway

Irrespective of a more formal "Contiki Summit" event, regular (casual / informal) meetings would benefit Contiki and help grow relationships between developers / users / enthusiasts.

The reason why Michael mentions two Europe-based IETFs, is because the majority of (current) Contiki mergers are EU-based (sorry @malvira and @darconeous). From my own PoV, I think meetings of this nature would benefit by the attendance of as many Contiki devels as possible. Having said that, it's been a while since I visited the USA.

Long story short, I am 100% in favour of something like that. I think IETF93 / Prague is far enough in the future to allow us plenty of time to think / plan / organise if we start now.

Please contribute to this discussion, any ideas are welcome

malvira commented 10 years ago

@g-oikonomou no worries --- I like to travel :) (And haven't been to Prague yet!)

mcr commented 9 years ago

So, it's now 6 months away from IETF93... there is likely an ETSI plugfest and 6tisch thing occuring.

OlegHahm commented 9 years ago

It happens that there are also gonna be couple of RIOT developers around at IETF93. I think, it could be very fruitful to have some discussions between these two communities (maybe also including people from the OpenWSN community) at a joined lunch break or dinner or whatever.

So, will there be people from the Contiki community in Prague and open for such an (informal) meeting?

simonduq commented 9 years ago

Hi @OlegHahm, I'll be at the 6TiSCH plugtest (but not IETF), see you there! :)