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Custom Font Family #1212

Open uncle-yi opened 2 months ago

uncle-yi commented 2 months ago



I'm really hoping that you guys provide a setting option for us to modify the font family font size of the GUI. And also, the latex/katex math font is not working at least for my model's generation. Not technically a bug but it would be nice to see if there is a solution.


A custom css would be really beautiful.

sestinj commented 2 months ago

@uncle-yi Do you have interest in setting the font outside of the one used by the IDE? My thought is that this should match the IDE font/size as much as possible, and the font size could be tweaked via VS Code as well. Let me know your thoughts.

And for the katex problem, is it not rendering, or does the font just look bad? I know that sometimes models will output without the surrounding $$ tags so that it doesn't render

uncle-yi commented 2 months ago

@uncle-yi Do you have interest in setting the font outside of the one used by the IDE? My thought is that this should match the IDE font/size as much as possible, and the font size could be tweaked via VS Code as well. Let me know your thoughts.

And for the katex problem, is it not rendering, or does the font just look bad? I know that sometimes models will output without the surrounding $$ tags so that it doesn't render

I m currently using VSCode (1.88.1), and after I set the editor font, the code (inline and block) that has been generated has changed to corresbonding font, but the main text hasnt changed even if i use the fonted extension to alter the VSCode's UI font.

The font size do match the IDE's setting, but sometimes you do want them to have different font size for productivity or just for the pleasure (This is a bit nitpicking).

As for the katex problem, you are absolutely right. After I asked the model to use the $$ tag the font has appeared. (I was using Gemini, and also a model named moonshot by a chinese mainland provider, they both output math formula without the strict markdown syntax by default, I dont know how they manage to bypass that in their official website, but there could be some way to present that correctly even without the tag)

shagratt commented 1 month ago

Custom font with font size will really be appreciated! 🙂👍

xldistance commented 1 month ago

The font generated by the plugin is rather small, it would be nice to be able to customise the font size

dandv commented 4 days ago

Is there a way to change the font size in JetBrains IDEs? The font is super small on my screen, and zooming with Ctrl+mouse wheel or Ctrl++ wheel didn't work.