continuedev / continue

⏩ Continue is the leading open-source AI code assistant. You can connect any models and any context to build custom autocomplete and chat experiences inside VS Code and JetBrains
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Autocomplete in jetbrains #1323

Open eladamittai opened 1 month ago

eladamittai commented 1 month ago

Before submitting your bug report

Relevant environment info

- OS: windows 10
- Continue: 0.0.46
- IDE: pycharm 2023.1.1


When i use the tab autocomplete in pycharm, and the pycharm also wants to complete me, it creates conflicts with the plugin, which scrambles the output as such: IMG-20240519-WA0005 In addition, if I press tab to complete with the plugin, it chooses the pycharm, so I can't use the plugin to complete me.

To reproduce

Here is the config:

tabAutoCompleteModel: {
Title: deepseek-7b,
Provider: openai,
Model: deepseek-7b,
ApiBase: http://my-api-base,
ApiToken: my-api-token,
ContextLength: 10000
tabAutoCompleteOptions: {
Disable: false
DisableSummaries: true,
CompletionOptions: {
Temperature: 0.25

Log output

No response

sestinj commented 1 month ago

thanks for sharing this. I'll probably not fit this in for the release I'm making today, but will look to make a fix for the following release

eladamittai commented 1 month ago

@sestinj sounds good. Can you tell me when this new version is expected to come out?

sestinj commented 1 month ago

@eladamittai I'm going to look into it before the release I'll send out tomorrow, and depending on whether this is a simple fix or not it should be ready either Friday or next week if not

eladamittai commented 1 month ago

@sestinj great! Thanks! 🙏🙏🙏

eladamittai commented 1 month ago

@sestinj hey, was the fix released as part of the 0.0.47 release or will it be added in the next release? It's just a bit of a process for me to download versions because of some issues I have with my computer, so I would prefer to know before downloading.

eladamittai commented 3 weeks ago

Hey, I was checking the 0.0.50 release to see if it's fixed, and while it is better, it still writes weird stuff. It keeps doubling the suggestion, and when the IDE and plugin completion suggestions are clashing, I can't choose the plugin suggestion with tab. IMG_20240609_093949.jpg

Perhaps you can override the IDE suggestion with tab, and allow people to choose the IDE suggestion with enter.