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Automated Provisioning for Config #1360

Open amithkk opened 1 month ago

amithkk commented 1 month ago



In an enterprise setting, it'd be great to be able to provision continue from some sort of "provisioning url" that the user can choose to enter as part of the onboarding flow. This would enable an enterprise to push down model urls, limited access keys, customized prompts and more in a centralized manner. This could also allow for customising configuration centrally for users that have specific requirements


This would probably require an extended discussion to flesh out, if this feature makes sense for continue. However, stating some nice-to-haves to begin:

byjrack commented 1 month ago

So that sort of stuff can get fun with proxies (or absence of), vpn race conditions, spoofing risk, etc.

For policy type controls I tend to recommend systems just use native platform policy management with would be windows registry (gpo/mdm) and managedprefs (mobileconfig) for mac. Linux is a bit of a free for all though in that space though there are some conventions that have been adopted, but probably would say a config file. So the organization would stage the controls in the conventional location and the Extension would respect configurations in those locations similar to Chrome, Grammarly, Windows, etc.

Otherwise packing in a config with the upstream installer also may work well.