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⏩ Continue is the leading open-source AI code assistant. You can connect any models and any context to build custom autocomplete and chat experiences inside VS Code and JetBrains
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feat/enh: Possibility to add self signed TLS Certs for the Ollama API #1423

Open jannikstdl opened 3 months ago

jannikstdl commented 3 months ago




we would like to assign the Ollama Base API to a self signed HTTPS Address. (Because we want a encrypted communication between Continue and Ollama in our organisation) Something like https://ai.example.test wich refers to the Ollama base Endpoint.

But after setting this route we get a cert error in VSCode (unable to verify first certificate): vsc_error

In the Developer Console: console_error

We can access the URL on the same server in the browser without getting any error. Thank you!


No response

jannikstdl commented 2 months ago

@sestinj and co any updates on that?

Has PR #1658 something to do with that?

verifySsl set to false in the requestOptions like that:

"models": [
      "title": "FastChat",
      "provider": "openai",
      "model": "Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.2",
      "apiKey": "EMPTY",
      "apiBase": "https://openaiserver-private.local/v1",
      "requestOptions": {
        "verifySsl": false,

did not change anything.

There are multiple related Issues #889 #1474