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Allow changing context length per chat session #1546

Open AriMKatz opened 2 weeks ago

AriMKatz commented 2 weeks ago



Newer models like sonnet 3.5 do well across almost the entire context window, but I might not want to use it for every chat.


Please allow dynamically setting context window.

Right now only can change in model load

Also, does the context provider account for this?

sestinj commented 2 weeks ago

@AriMKatz The best way to solve this is probably to make two separate copies of your model, each with a different "contextLength" parameter

After context providers resolve their contents, we then do prompt pruning to fit it into the context window, so context providers like @ codebase don't take into account contextLength by themselves

Seems like what you might want is the ability to have @ codebase automatically grab more results when you're using the longer context model?

AriMKatz commented 2 weeks ago

Model copying sounds fine.


Seems like what you might want is the ability to have @ codebase automatically grab more results when you're using the longer context model?

Yes exactly