continuedev / continue

⏩ Continue is the leading open-source AI code assistant. You can connect any models and any context to build custom autocomplete and chat experiences inside VS Code and JetBrains
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Occupying bandwidth when using remote SSH server #1771

Open magnooj opened 1 month ago

magnooj commented 1 month ago

Before submitting your bug report

Relevant environment info

- Local OS: win 10 22H2 build 19045.4529
- Remote OS: Rockey 8.10
- Continue: v0.8.43
- IDE: VScode 1.91.1
- config.json:

  "models": [
      "model": "Qwen/CodeQwen1.5-7B-Chat",
      "title": "CodeQwen",
      "apiBase": "http://localhost:4004/v1/",
      "completionOptions": {
        "temperature": 0.5
      "provider": "openai",
      "apiKey": "EMPTY"
  "customCommands": [
      "name": "test",
      "prompt": "{{{ input }}}\n\nWrite a comprehensive set of unit tests for the selected code. It should setup, run tests that check for correctness including important edge cases, and teardown. Ensure that the tests are complete and sophisticated. Give the tests just as chat output, don't edit any file.",
      "description": "Write unit tests for highlighted code"
  "tabAutocompleteModel": {
    "title": "Tab Autocomplete Model",
    "provider": "openai",
    "model": "Qwen/CodeQwen1.5-7B-Chat",
    "apiBase": "http://localhost:4004/v1/",
    "apiKey": "EMPTY"

  "tabAutocompleteOptions": {
    "useCopyBuffer": false,
    "maxPromptTokens": 400,
    "prefixPercentage": 0.5,
    "multilineCompletions": "always",
    "contextLength": 8192
  "allowAnonymousTelemetry": false,
  "disableIndexing": true


I've encountered a critical issue when using the extension on a remote SSH server: Problem: After enabling and configuring it in the JSON file, the extension consumes excessive bandwidth, leading to VSCode disconnecting from the remote server.

To reproduce

  1. Connect to a remote server via SSH in VSCode
  2. From file/Open Folder menu, open a new folder which is not your home directory.
  3. Enable the extension
  4. Add the necessary configuration to the JSON file (in your ~/.continue/config.json)
  5. Observe bandwidth usage and connection stability

Log output

INFO UNRESPONSIVE extension host: starting to profile NOW
log.ts:429  WARN UNRESPONSIVE extension host: 'continue.continue' took 98.12424056655655% of 4915.525ms, saved PROFILE here: 'file:///c%3A/Users/m276924/AppData/Local/Temp/exthost-9b8ceb.cpuprofile'
log.ts:419  INFO Extension host (LocalProcess pid: 27628) is responsive.
log.ts:419  INFO Extension host (Remote) is responsive.
log.ts:419  INFO Extension host (LocalProcess pid: 27628) is unresponsive.
localProcessExtensionHost.ts:275 Extension Host
localProcessExtensionHost.ts:276 Debugger attached.
log.ts:419  INFO UNRESPONSIVE extension host: starting to profile NOW
log.ts:429  WARN UNRESPONSIVE extension host: 'continue.continue' took 98.83354166982429% of 4955.834ms, saved PROFILE here: 'file:///c%3A/Users/m276924/AppData/Local/Temp/exthost-2b27fc.cpuprofile'
log.ts:419  INFO Extension host (Remote) is unresponsive.
log.ts:419  INFO [remote-connection][Management   ][6c74b…][reconnect] received socket timeout event (unacknowledgedMsgCount: 960, timeSinceOldestUnacknowledgedMsg: 30638, timeSinceLastReceivedSomeData: 20001).
log.ts:419  INFO [remote-connection][Management   ][6c74b…][reconnect] starting reconnecting loop. You can get more information with the trace log level.
log.ts:419  INFO [remote-connection][Management   ][6c74b…][reconnect] resolving connection...
log.ts:419  INFO Invoking resolveAuthority(ssh-remote)...
log.ts:419  INFO [LocalProcess0][resolveAuthority(ssh-remote,2)][0ms] obtaining proxy...
log.ts:419  INFO [LocalProcess0][resolveAuthority(ssh-remote,2)][0ms] invoking...
log.ts:419  INFO [LocalProcess0][resolveAuthority(ssh-remote,2)][1002ms] waiting...
jonnyboynewton commented 1 month ago

Same fundamental issue as #1705. This was introduced in 0.8.43, if you revert to 0.8.42 for the time being, you should be good until this gets fixed.

sestinj commented 1 month ago

Thanks for the +1 on this. We are aware and working on solving it this morning! I'll hopefully have an update for you very soon

magnooj commented 1 month ago

Update: In 0.8.43, no tag change could solve the problem. I assumed changing "disableIndexing": true would reduce the bandwidth usage. Neither false nor true solved the problem.

By switching to 0.8.42, the bandwidth usage got better by 30%, but there was still a lot of disconnection. But I changed "disableIndexing": true again to force Continueto stop the indexing. Finally, everything worked normally.

sestinj commented 1 month ago

@magnooj thank you for this extra information, that's very good to know. One other question that comes to mind: is your VS Code workspace the root of a git repository, or is it a subdirectory of a git repository?

I ask because there's some chance that we wouldn't be looking for .gitignore files in the directory above, which could cause too many files reads

magnooj commented 1 month ago

@magnooj thank you for this extra information, that's very good to know. One other question that comes to mind: is your VS Code workspace the root of a git repository, or is it a subdirectory of a git repository?

I ask because there's some chance that we wouldn't be looking for .gitignore files in the directory above, which could cause too many files reads

It is a subdirectory of a remote server without any .gitingnore file. But the number of files is not much! Is it possible to limit indexing to a level? for example only 2?

sestinj commented 1 month ago

@magnooj So even if you include all of the files that are ignored by git, like a .git folder, any build folders, or anything else, this is still a very small number of total files? Also, a couple of questions I can think of additionally that might help:

jonnyboynewton commented 1 month ago

mine is a perforce (not git) client - some examples with tons of files, one example with small-medium amount the large client

 find . -type f | wc -l

the smaller client

find . -type f | wc -l

it mostly happened in the larger client

jonnyboynewton commented 1 month ago

it would be nice if Continue used the same ignore list as the VSCode File Watcher excludes (per remote server in the settings.json) I don't want to have to specify the same list per perforce client since they are ephemeral

sestinj commented 1 month ago

Good to know. @magnooj you aren't by chance using perforce too are you?

jonnyboynewton commented 1 month ago

to be clear - in my examples I'm not actively using Continue at all - I'm just browsing / editing code. So it is a persistent issue that I and a number of others at work are hitting even when not interacting with Continue at all

magnooj commented 1 month ago

@sestinj I think I found what is causing the problem: hidden folders! It is a common practice in my company to create local environments for each project by calling conda create -p .env. Also, we don't use git much. Therefore, there is no .gitignore most of the time.

I tried a .gitignore and added hidden folders in it, and "disableIndexing": false:

Removing the "folder" context provider from config.json didn't help. I am not using perforce either. I work on our dedicated Linux (Rockey 8.10) servers, and my work is to go through each project, activate the local env, and check the codes.

I also updated the config.json file, here is the latest one which works better:

  "models": [
      "model": "codestral",
      "title": "codestral",
      "apiBase": "http://localhost:11434",
      "provider": "ollama",
      "completionOptions": {
        "temperature": 0.5
  "customCommands": [
      "name": "test",
      "prompt": "{{{ input }}}\n\nWrite a comprehensive set of unit tests for the selected code. It should setup, run tests that check for correctness including important edge cases, and teardown. Ensure that the tests are complete and sophisticated. Give the tests just as chat output, don't edit any file.",
      "description": "Write unit tests for highlighted code"
  "tabAutocompleteModel": {
    "title": "Tab Autocomplete Model",
    "provider": "ollama",
    "apiBase": "http://localhost:11434",
    "model": "codestral"
  "tabAutocompleteOptions": {
    "useCopyBuffer": false,
    "maxPromptTokens": 400,
    "prefixPercentage": 0.5,
    "multilineCompletions": "always",
    "contextLength": 8192,
    "useOtherFiles": true,
    "debounceDelay": 100
  "allowAnonymousTelemetry": false,
  "embeddingsProvider": {
    "provider": "ollama",
    "apiBase": "http://localhost:11434",
    "model": "nomic-embed-text"
  "contextProviders": [
      "name": "codebase",
      "params": {
        "nRetrieve": 25,
        "nFinal": 5,
        "useReranking": true
  "disableIndexing": false
magnooj commented 1 month ago

@sestinj A new problem arose with 0.8.42. It kills my kernel when I am using my notebook in the VScode. Removing the embedding by nomic, removing the context provider, and disabling the indexing won't solve it.

Here is the log:

[Continue.continue]Parsing failed

Error: Parsing failed
    at _Parser.parse (~\.vscode\extensions\continue.continue-0.8.42-win32-x64\out\extension.js:94928:81)
    at _ImportDefinitionsService._getFileInfo (~\.vscode\extensions\continue.continue-0.8.42-win32-x64\out\extension.js:95825:28)
    at async PrecalculatedLruCache.initKey (~\.vscode\extensions\continue.continue-0.8.42-win32-x64\out\extension.js:93784:25)

[Extension Host] warn 14:30:29.938: Jupyter Extension: Cancel all remaining cells due to dead kernel
spew commented 1 month ago

is this still an issue?