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⏩ Continue is the leading open-source AI code assistant. You can connect any models and any context to build custom autocomplete and chat experiences inside VS Code and JetBrains
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Index arbitrary folders/files #2660

Open arcuru opened 1 month ago

arcuru commented 1 month ago



Codebase is very useful for automatically finding context, but I want to be able to add arbitrary additional data to it. For example, I may have a separate repo for documentation and would like to include that for automatic local retrieval of relevant context, or have local notes on tasks/designs etc. Think analyzing your notes/todos/future plans for context as part of your codebase.

An additional folder makes sense as either indexed as part of the Codebase provider or into the Docs provider. It's easy to imagine local docs for either use case.


I'm not sure what makes the most sense for implementing. Either including some way to specify additional folders to Codebase index (e.g. .continueinclude file), or a way for the Docs provider to specify a local folder or a git repo, or both.

I workaround this today by taking advantage of how Continue doesn't respect the global .gitignore settings. So I globally ignore a .docs directory, and add any additional documentation in there.

RomneyDa commented 1 month ago

Note, this issue #2739 would offer a workaround for it

by adding a folder e.g. "indexingExtras" to your repo, gitignoring "indexingExtras" and .continueignoring "!indexingExtras"