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⏩ Continue is the leading open-source AI code assistant. You can connect any models and any context to build custom autocomplete and chat experiences inside VS Code and JetBrains
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Text to Speech #814

Open NinjaPerson24119 opened 4 months ago

NinjaPerson24119 commented 4 months ago



My biggest bottleneck when coding is my typing speed.

I've been using and find the text-to-speech incredibly useful. Until I can do the same thing in the IDE, it'll probably be faster to copy paste into my browser instead.


Add a hotkey + button on UI that can start text-to-speech.

martnaum commented 2 weeks ago

Same issue here. I accelerated by using the VS Code Speech plugin. It also works offline and there is no context switch between VS Code and the ollama-webui (which currently is the open-webui) any longer required on my end. I am quite confident that enabling the VS Code Speech within Continue would:

We should also consider if the VS Code Speech plugin can be configured in a way to work with Continue out of the box as it seems to support chat based and editor based speech to text. Sadly I am not that deep into VS Code currently to try that on my own.