Quick Start should cover only the following scenarios:
Install prereqs (latest of vagrant/virtualbox/vboxsf, make, git)
a. vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest
git pull contiv/install
make demo-k8s
a. make cluster
b. curl
c. untar
d. run install.sh with k8s on the vagrant cluster.
e. take them to UI on the setup
Provide instructions on running a few contiv demos on this setup, and explain what each does.
Repeat 3 for docker swarm.
Quick Start should cover only the following scenarios:
Install prereqs (latest of vagrant/virtualbox/vboxsf, make, git) a. vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest git pull contiv/install make demo-k8s a. make cluster b. curl
c. untar
d. run install.sh with k8s on the vagrant cluster.
e. take them to UI on the setup
Provide instructions on running a few contiv demos on this setup, and explain what each does.
Repeat 3 for docker swarm.