contiv / netplugin

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Access to K8S apiserver's clusterIP does not work with apiserver setup with HA #1152

Open mirwan opened 5 years ago

mirwan commented 5 years ago


Even if contiv components are running, no other pod can access apiserver via clusterIP (and fail CrashLoopBackOff) because of a "connection refused".


In, the serverURL variable (filled with the URL (IP+PORT) of the VIP which the apiservers are behind), defined in the configMap is used to set the APIClient apiServerPort field.

In the WatchServices function, the kubernetes svc enters the branch and the ProvPort field is set to this value.

When the apiserver's external VIP listens on a different port than the apiservers themselves (i.e. 6443)

  contiv_k8s_config: |-
       "K8S_API_SERVER": "https://external:443",

, the ovs flow is wrongly redirected to the masters IP ( here) on this port instead the 6443

ovs-appctl bridge/dump-flows contivVlanBridge | grep
table_id=3, duration=4118s, n_packets=20, n_bytes=1480, priority=100,tcp,nw_src=,nw_dst=,tp_dst=443,actions=set_field:443->tcp_dst,set_field:>ip_dst,goto_table:4
table_id=3, duration=4141s, n_packets=3, n_bytes=222, priority=10,tcp,nw_dst=,actions=CONTROLLER:65535
table_id=6, duration=4118s, n_packets=19, n_bytes=1140, priority=100,tcp,nw_src=,nw_dst=,tp_src=443,actions=set_field:443->tcp_src,set_field:>ip_src,goto_table:7

NB: is the clusterIP of svc kubernetes
