contour-terminal / contour

Modern C++ Terminal Emulator
Apache License 2.0
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Other apps try to open folders in Contour rather than the file manager #1423

Closed jobukkit closed 4 months ago

jobukkit commented 5 months ago

Contour Terminal version


Installer source

AUR (tried both stable and git)

Operating System

CachyOS (Arch Linux) with GNOME



Steps to reproduce

When Contour is installed, other apps try to open folders in Contour, rather than Nautilus. Removing Contour fixes the issue.

Expected Behavior

Having Contour installed shouldn't interfere with the file manager.

Actual Behavior

Contour opens and interprets the folder path as a shell to use. For example, when trying to browse the files of a Steam game:

Failed to spawn /home/myuser/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Unrailed
Trying login shell: "/usr/bin/nu"
christianparpart commented 5 months ago

Hey @jobukkit, many thanks for this report. This is really weird. I'm mainly using KDE. Would you mind trying out another desktop or window manager, just for the test to see if this is a GNOME-specific behaviour or not? Many thanks.

Yaraslaut commented 5 months ago

I have a feeling that this cause by some keywords from our .desktop file

and i think that @jobukkit you can directly test if this will resolve this issue by modifiing contour.desktop file on your system

jobukkit commented 5 months ago

Seems like the line above that is the culprit.

> xdg-mime query default inode/directory

xdg-mime default org.gnome.Nautilus.desktop inode/directory fixes the problem.

Maybe something other than the .desktop file sets it too.