contour-terminal / contour

Modern C++ Terminal Emulator
Apache License 2.0
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No window shown #1466

Closed cqexbesd closed 4 months ago

cqexbesd commented 4 months ago

Contour Terminal version


Installer source

Github: source code cloned

Operating System

Arch Linux as of this morning



Other Software

No response

Steps to reproduce


Expected Behavior

A window to appear

Actual Behavior

No window appears although the process doesn't exit. Logged to stdout is:

Warning: QQmlApplicationEngine failed to load component ((null):0, (null))
Warning: qrc:/contour/ui/main.qml: No such file or directory (qrc:/contour/ui/main.qml:4294967295, (null))

For some reason the version string is also strange...Contour Terminal Emulator 0.4.4-v0.4.3.6442-12-g3faac536-3faac536 I rm'ed the build directory before compiling however.

With some debug logging on:

[2024-02-12 16:01:21.624716214.624716] [config] Loading configuration from file: /home/andrew/.config/contour/contour.yml
[2024-02-12 16:01:21.627497301.627497] [config] Missing key background_image.path. Using default: "".
[2024-02-12 16:01:21.627527267.627527] [config] Missing key .shell. Using default: "".
[2024-02-12 16:01:21.627562242.627562] [config] Missing key .refresh_rate. Using default: 0.
[2024-02-12 16:01:21.627594953.627594] [config] Defaulting TERM to contour.
[2024-02-12 16:01:21.627605052.627605] [config] Missing key .margins.horizontal. Using default: 0.
[2024-02-12 16:01:21.627611153.627611] [config] Missing key .margins.vertical. Using default: 0.
[2024-02-12 16:01:21.627657960.627657] [config] Missing key .option_as_alt. Using default: false.
[2024-02-12 16:01:21.627709116.627709] [config] Missing key status_line.position. Using default: none.
[2024-02-12 16:01:21.627716419.627716] [config] Missing key status_line.sync_to_window_title. Using default: false.
[2024-02-12 16:01:21.628003875.628003] [config] Superfluous config key found: profiles.main.font.dpi_scale
[2024-02-12 16:01:21.639262211.639262] [gui.display] Color theme mode at startup: Light
Warning: QQmlApplicationEngine failed to load component ((null):0, (null))
Warning: qrc:/contour/ui/main.qml: No such file or directory (qrc:/contour/ui/main.qml:4294967295, (null))

strace output attached. [Uploading strace.txt…]()

Additional notes

cdb2e16d29fff252a3b95977c9dc03fd2f96e2a0 works OK, 3faac5363b31d41aacdcff5b4e4cca086b3644dd does not.

Yaraslaut commented 4 months ago

We introduced cmake presets in commit, maybe it confused cmake to re-generate config properly, can you try clean build? and to use presets:

cmake --preset linux-relesae
cmake --build --preset linux-release

additionally we have new target run so you can test that contour will open with cmake --build --preset linux-release --target run I think that we need to update README and documentation to add info about presets and i also spotted a bug with cmake_build_type, will fix it asap

cqexbesd commented 4 months ago

Yep, that fixed it. I was still using the cmake commands from the README. I now get the warning:

QML debugging is enabled. Only use this in a safe environment.

however. I guess that should be off for something with release in the name.

Yaraslaut commented 4 months ago

Yep, that fixed it. I was still using the cmake commands from the README. I now get the warning:

QML debugging is enabled. Only use this in a safe environment.

however. I guess that should be off for something with release in the name.

correct, this is the bug that i spotted