contour-terminal / contour

Modern C++ Terminal Emulator
Apache License 2.0
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Neovim causes contour to resize. #1516

Closed kierun closed 3 weeks ago

kierun commented 3 weeks ago

Contour Terminal version


Installer source

something else (please specify below)

Operating System

Fedora 39



Other Software

NVIM v0.11.0-dev-194+g6c7677e5d

Steps to reproduce

  1. Open a contour terminal.
  2. Run /usr/bin/tput cols, get 86 — let's call that x.
  3. Run nvim, exit.
  4. Run /usr/bin/tput cols, get 138 — It should be more than x above.

Expected Behavior

The terminal must not resize.

Actual Behavior

The terminal is resized.

Additional notes

Here is a GIF of the behaviour:


In addition, this behaviour does not appear under tmux.

Yaraslaut commented 3 weeks ago

Hi @kierun, can you please also provide output of contour debug "gui.display,vt.trace.sequence" during this bug? It would help us a lot, on my system i can not reproduce this bug, so it will require some time to figure out exact reason without debug output.

kierun commented 3 weeks ago

Attched log file here: contour.log

If you need me to compile and run a branch, happy to do that.

kierun commented 3 weeks ago

And here is the same thing using tmux: contour=tumx.log

uspasojevic96 commented 3 weeks ago

Can you try clean neovim without plugins?

kierun commented 3 weeks ago

Can you try clean neovim without plugins?

I tried with nvim --clean and … Well, how about that! The issue disappears.


uspasojevic96 commented 3 weeks ago

Start investigating your plugins and let us know which one is it xD

kierun commented 3 weeks ago

Here is the culprit: require("noice").setup({})… Actually, it's not. It's "MunifTanjim/nui.nvim" which is a dependency of noice.

Linked bug

kierun commented 3 weeks ago

Start investigating your plugins and let us know which one is it xD

I was on it. The rabbit hole was a little deeper than I thought! :scream:

uspasojevic96 commented 3 weeks ago

Relevant bug

uspasojevic96 commented 3 weeks ago

I'll close this issue, please reopen it if there is some evidence that bug is on contour side