contour-terminal / contour

Modern C++ Terminal Emulator
Apache License 2.0
2.39k stars 101 forks source link

Chinese display has some problems #590

Closed Jackson-soft closed 2 years ago

Jackson-soft commented 2 years ago

Contour Terminal version


Installer source

GitHub: release page

Operating System

OS/X Monterey 12.0.1



Other Software

NeoVim 0.6.1

Steps to reproduce


Expected Behavior



Actual Behavior



Additional notes

christianparpart commented 2 years ago

Many thanks for your report. I certainly wasn't to support east Asian languages die to personal interest. This looks like a font fallback issue. Can you please tell me if you have only_monospace set to tru or false?

rhcher commented 2 years ago

I test master and lastest release, both work well in Chinese display with strict_spacing set to false.

christianparpart commented 2 years ago

So this means that the font file containing the glyphs you need is not exposed as being monospace. That is why it is excluded.

Do you (or @skyline75489? :-) ) happen to know what is the go-to terminal emulator for CJK-users and maybe also know how these deal with CJK glyphs in a monospace context? Maybe they simply ignore the monospace property as exposed by the font file?

Jackson-soft commented 2 years ago


Jackson-soft commented 2 years ago
# Default Contour Configuration File.

# Word delimiters when selecting word-wise.
word_delimiters: " /\\()\"'-.,:;<>~!@#$%^&*+=[]{}~?|│"

# Default PTY read buffer size.
# This is an advance option. Use with care!
# Default: 16384
read_buffer_size: 16384

default_profile: main

# Flag to determine whether to spawn new process or not when creating new terminal
# Default: false
spawn_new_process: false

# Whether or not to reflow the lines on terminal resize events.
# Default: true
reflow_on_resize: true

# Section of experimental features.
# All experimental features are disabled by default and must be explicitely enabled here.
# NOTE: Contour currently has no experimental features behind this configuration wall.
# experimental:
#     # Enables experimental support for feature X/Y/Z
#     feature_xyz: true

# This keyboard modifier can be used to bypass the terminal's mouse protocol,
# which can be used to select screen content even if the an application
# mouse protocol has been activated (Default: Shift).
# The same modifier values apply as with input modifiers (see below).
bypass_mouse_protocol_modifier: Shift

# Selects an action to perform when a text selection has been made.
# Possible values are:
# - None                        Does nothing
# - CopyToClipboard             Copies the selection to the primary clipboard.
# - CopyToSelectionClipboard    Copies the selection to the selection clipboard.
#                               This is not supported on all platforms.
# Default: CopyToSelectionClipboard
on_mouse_select: SelectClipboard

# Inline image related default configuration and limits
# -----------------------------------------------------
    # Enable or disable sixel scrolling (SM/RM ?80 default)
    sixel_scrolling: true
    # Configures the maximum number of color registers available when rendering Sixel graphics.
    sixel_register_count: 4096
    # If enabled, the ANSI text cursor is placed at the position of the sixel graphics cursor after
    # image rendering, otherwise (if disabled) the cursor is placed underneath the image.
    sixel_cursor_conformance: true
    # maximum width in pixels of an image to be accepted (0 defaults to system screen pixel width)
    max_width: 0
    # maximum height in pixels of an image to be accepted (0 defaults to system screen pixel height)
    max_height: 0

# Terminal Profiles
# -----------------
# Dominates how your terminal visually looks like. You will need at least one terminal profile.
        # You can override the process to be started inside the terminal.
        # If nothing is specified, the users' default login shell will be used.
        # But you may as well log in to a remote host.
        # shell: "ssh ubuntu-vm"
        # shell: "/bin/bash"
        # arguments: ["some", "optional", "arguments", "for", "the", "shell"]

        # Sets initial working directory when spawning a new terminal.
        # A leading ~ is expanded to the user's home directory.
        # Default value is the user's home directory.
        initial_working_directory: "~"

        # When this profile is being *activated*, this flag decides
        # whether or not to put the terminal's screen into fullscreen mode.
        # It is activated during startup as well as when switching from another profile to this one.
        fullscreen: false

        # When this profile is *activated*, this flag decides
        # whether or not to put the window into maximized mode.
        maximized: false

        # Defines the class part of the WM_CLASS property of the window.
        wm_class: "contour"

        # Environment variables to be passed to the shell.
        # environment:
        #     TERM: contour
        #     COLORTERM: truecolor

        # Determines the terminal type that is being advertised.
        # Possible values are:
        #   - VT100
        #   - VT220
        #   - VT240
        #   - VT330
        #   - VT340
        #   - VT320
        #   - VT420
        #   - VT510
        #   - VT520
        #   - VT525
        # Default: VT525
        terminal_id: VT525

        # Determines the initial terminal sice in characters.
            columns: 80
            lines: 25

            # Number of lines to preserve (-1 for infinite).
            limit: 1000
            # Boolean indicating whether or not to scroll down to the bottom on screen updates.
            auto_scroll_on_update: true
            # Number of lines to scroll on ScrollUp & ScrollDown events.
            scroll_multiplier: 3

        # visual scrollbar support
            # scroll bar position: Left, Right, Hidden (ignore-case)
            position: Hidden
            # whether or not to hide the scrollbar when in alt-screen.
            hide_in_alt_screen: true

        # Some VT sequences should need access permissions.
        # These can be to:
        # - allow     Allows the given functionality
        # - deny      Denies the given functionality
        # - ask       Asks the user interactively via popup dialog for permission of the given action.
        # Default for all of these entries should be: "ask".
            # Allows changing the font via `OSC 50 ; Pt ST`.
            change_font: ask
            # Allows capturing the screen buffer via `CSI > Pm ; Ps ; Pc ST`.
            # The response can be read from stdin as sequence `OSC 314 ; <screen capture> ST`
            capture_buffer: ask

        # Font related configuration (font face, styles, size, rendering mode).
            # Initial font size in pixels.
            size: 18

            # DPI scaling factor applied on top of the system configured on (default: 1.0).
            dpi_scale: 1.0

            # Font Locator API
            # Selects an engine to use for locating font files on the system.
            # This is implicitly also responsible for font fallback
            # Possible values are:
            # - fontconfig      : uses fontconfig to select fonts
            # - CoreText        : uses OS/X CoreText to select fonts (currently not implemented).
            # - DirectWrite     : selects DirectWrite engine (Windows only)
            locator: native

            # Text shaping related settings
                # Selects which text shaping and font rendering engine to use.
                # Supported values are:
                # - native      : automatically choose the best available on the current platform.
                # - DirectWrite : selects DirectWrite engine (Windows only)
                # - CoreText    : selects CoreText engine (Mac OS/X only)
                # - OpenShaper  : selects OpenShaper (harfbuzz/freetype/fontconfig, avilable on all
                #                 platforms)
                engine: native

            # Uses builtin textures for pixel-perfect box drawing.
            # If disabled, the font's provided box drawing characters
            # will be used (Default: true).
            builtin_box_drawing: true

            # Font render modes tell the font rasterizer engine what rendering technique to use.
            # Modes availabe are:
            # - lcd          Uses a subpixel rendering technique optimized for LCD displays.
            # - light        Uses a subpixel rendering technique in gray-scale.
            # - gray         Uses standard gray-scaled anti-aliasing.
            # - monochrome   Uses pixel-perfect bitmap rendering.
            render_mode: lcd
            only_monospace: false

            # Indicates whether or not to include *only* monospace fonts in the font and
            # font-fallback list (Default: true).
            strict_spacing: false

            # Font family to use for displaying text.
            # A font can be either described in detail as below or as a
            # simple string value (e.g. "monospace" with teh appropriate
            # weight/slant applied automatically).
                # Font family defines the font family name, such as:
                # Fira Code", "Courier New", or "monospace" (default).
                family: "Fira Code"

                # Font weight can be one of:
                #   thin, extra_light, light, demilight, book, normal,
                #   medium, demibold, bold, extra_bold, black, extra_black.
                weight: medium

                # Font slant can be one of: normal, italic, oblique.
                slant: normal

                # Set of optional font features to be enabled. This
                # is usually a 4-letter code, such as ss01 or ss02 etc.
                # Please see your font's documentation to find out what it
                # supports.
                # Default: []
                features: []

            # If bold/italic/bold_italic are not explicitely specified, the regular font with
            # the respective weight and slant will be used.
            #bold: "Hack"
            #italic: "Hack"
            #bold_italic: "Hack"
            bold: "Fira Code:style=bold"
            italic: "Hack:style=italic"
            bold_italic: "Hack:style=bold italic"

            # This is a special font to be used for displaying unicode symbols
            # that are to be rendered in emoji presentation.
            # Defaults to "emoji".
            emoji: "emoji"

        # Terminal cursor display configuration
            # Supported shapes are:
            # - block         a filled rectangle
            # - rectangle     just the outline of a block
            # - underscore    a line under the text
            # - bar:          the well known i-Beam
            shape: "block"
            # Determins whether or not the cursor will be blinking over time.
            blinking: false
            # Blinking interval (in milliseconds) to use when cursor is blinking.
            blinking_interval: 500
        # Background configuration
            # Background opacity to use. A value of 1.0 means fully opaque whereas 0.0 means fully
            # transparent. Only values between 0.0 and 1.0 are allowed.
            opacity: 1.0
            # Some platforms can blur the transparent background (currently only Windows 10 is supported).
            blur: false
        # Specifies a colorscheme to use (alternatively the colors can be inlined).
        colors: "default"

        # Hyperlinks (via OSC-8) can be stylized and colorized on hover.
            normal: dotted
            hover: underline

# Color Profiles
# --------------
# Here you can configure your color profiles, wereas a color can be expressed in standard web format,
# with a leading # followed by red/green/blue values, 7 characters in total.
# You may alternatively use 0x as prefix instead of #.
# For example 0x102030 is equal to '#102030'.
        # Default colors
            # Default background color (this can be made transparent, see above).
            background: "#1d1f21"
            # Default foreground text color.
            foreground: "#d5d8d6"

        # Mandates the color of the cursor and potentially overridden text.
        # The color can be specified in RGB as usual, plus
        # - CellForeground: Selects the cell's foreground color.
        # - CellBackground: Selects the cell's background color.
            # Specifies the color to be used for the actual cursor shape.
            # Default: CellForeground
            default: CellForeground
            # Specifies the color to be used for the characters that would
            # be covered otherwise.
            # Default: CellBackground
            text: CellBackground

        # color to pick for hyperlinks decoration, when hovering
            normal: "#f0f000"
            hover: "#ff0000"

        # The text selection color can be customized here.
        # Leaving a value empty will default to the inverse of the content's color values.
        # selection:
        #     foreground: '#c0c0c0'
        #     background: '#a000a0'

        # Normal colors
            black: "#1d1f21"
            red: "#cc342b"
            green: "#198844"
            yellow: "#fba922"
            blue: "#3971ed"
            magenta: "#a36ac7"
            cyan: "#3971ed"
            white: "#c5c8c6"
        # Bright colors
            black: "#969896"
            red: "#cc342b"
            green: "#198844"
            yellow: "#fba922"
            blue: "#3971ed"
            magenta: "#a36ac7"
            cyan: "#3971ed"
            white: "#ffffff"

# Key Bindings
# ------------
# In this section you can customize key bindings.
# Each array element in `input_mapping` represents one key binding,
# whereas `mods` represents an array of keyboard modifiers that must be pressed - as well as
# the `key` or `mouse` -  in order to activate the corresponding action,
# Additionally one can filter input mappings based on special terminal modes using the `modes` option:
# - Alt       : The terminal is currently in alternate screen buffer, otherwise it is in primary screen buffer.
# - AppCursor : The application key cursor mode is enabled (otherwise it's normal cursor mode).
# - AppKeypad : The application keypad mode is enabled (otherwise it's the numeric keypad mode).
# - Select    : The terminal has currently an active grid cell selection (such as selected text).
# You can combine these modes by concatenating them via | and negate a single one
# by prefixing with ~.
# The `modes` option defaults to no filter at all (the input mappings always
# match based on modifier and key press / mouse event).
# `key` represents keys on your keyboard, and `mouse` represents buttons
# as well as the scroll wheel.
# Modifiers:
# - Alt
# - Control
# - Shift
# - Meta (this is the Windows key on Windows OS, and the Command key on OS/X, and Meta on anything else)
# Keys can be expressed case-insensitively symbolic:
#   Enter, Backspace, Tab, Escape, F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6, F7, F8, F9, F10, F11, F12,
#   DownArrow, LeftArrow, RightArrow, UpArrow, Insert, Delete, Home, End, PageUp, PageDown,
#   Numpad_NumLock, Numpad_Divide, Numpad_Multiply, Numpad_Subtract, Numpad_CapsLock,
#   Numpad_Add, Numpad_Decimal, Numpad_Enter, Numpad_Equal,
#   Numpad_0, Numpad_1, Numpad_2, Numpad_3, Numpad_4,
#   Numpad_5, Numpad_6, Numpad_7, Numpad_8, Numpad_9
# or in case of standard characters, just the character.
# Mouse buttons can be one of the following self-explanary ones:
#   Left, Middle, Right, WheelUp, WheelDown
# Actions:
# - CancelSelection   Cancels currently active selection, if any.
# - ChangeProfile     Changes the profile to the given profile `name`.
# - ClearHistoryAndReset    Clears the history, performs a terminal hard reset and attempts to force a redraw of the currently running application.
# - CopyPreviousMarkRange   Copies the most recent range that is delimited by vertical line marks into clipboard.
# - CopySelection     Copies the current selection into the clipboard buffer.
# - DecreaseFontSize  Decreases the font size by 1 pixel.
# - DecreaseOpacity   Decreases the default-background opacity by 5%.
# - FollowHyperlink   Follows the hyperlink that is exposed via OSC 8 under the current cursor position.
# - IncreaseFontSize  Increases the font size by 1 pixel.
# - IncreaseOpacity   Increases the default-background opacity by 5%.
# - NewTerminal       Spawns a new terminal at the current terminals current working directory.
# - OpenConfiguration Opens the configuration file.
# - OpenFileManager   Opens the current working directory in a system file manager.
# - PasteClipboard    Pastes clipboard to standard input.
# - PasteSelection    Pastes current selection to standard input.
# - Quit              Quits the application.
# - ReloadConfig      Forces a configuration reload.
# - ResetConfig       Overwrites current configuration with builtin default configuration and loads it. Attention, all your current configuration will be lost due to overwrite!
# - ResetFontSize     Resets font size to what is configured in the config file.
# - ScreenshotVT      Takes a screenshot in form of VT escape sequences.
# - ScrollDown        Scrolls down by the multiplier factor.
# - ScrollMarkDown    Scrolls one mark down (if none present, bottom of the screen)
# - ScrollMarkUp      Scrolls one mark up
# - ScrollOneDown     Scrolls down by exactly one line.
# - ScrollOneUp       Scrolls up by exactly one line.
# - ScrollPageDown    Scrolls a page down.
# - ScrollPageUp      Scrolls a page up.
# - ScrollToBottom    Scrolls to the bottom of the screen buffer.
# - ScrollToTop       Scrolls to the top of the screen buffer.
# - ScrollUp          Scrolls up by the multiplier factor.
# - SendChars         Writes given characters in `chars` member to the applications input.
# - ToggleAllKeyMaps  Disables/enables responding to all keybinds (this keybind will be preserved when disabling all others).
# - ToggleFullScreen  Enables/disables full screen mode.
# - WriteScreen       Writes VT sequence in `chars` member to the screen (bypassing the application).

    - {mods: [Control], mouse: Left, action: FollowHyperlink}
    - {mods: [], mouse: Middle, action: PasteSelection}
    - {mods: [], mouse: WheelDown, action: ScrollDown}
    - {mods: [], mouse: WheelUp, action: ScrollUp}
    - {mods: [Alt], key: Enter, action: ToggleFullscreen}
    - {mods: [Alt], mouse: WheelDown, action: DecreaseOpacity}
    - {mods: [Alt], mouse: WheelUp, action: IncreaseOpacity}
    - {mods: [Control, Alt], key: S, action: ScreenshotVT}
    - {mods: [Control, Shift], key: Plus, action: IncreaseFontSize}
    - {mods: [Control], key: "0", action: ResetFontSize}
    - {mods: [Control, Shift], key: Minus, action: DecreaseFontSize}
    - {mods: [Control, Shift], key: "_", action: DecreaseFontSize}
    - {mods: [Control, Shift], key: N, action: NewTerminal}
    - {mods: [Control, Shift], key: C, action: CopySelection}
    - {mods: [Control, Shift], key: V, action: PasteClipboard}
    - {mods: [Control], key: C, action: CopySelection, mode: "Select"}
    - {mods: [Control], key: V, action: PasteClipboard, mode: "Select"}
    - {mods: [Control], key: V, action: CancelSelection, mode: "Select"}
    - {mods: [], key: Escape, action: CancelSelection, mode: "Select"}
    - {mods: [Control, Shift], key: Comma, action: OpenConfiguration}
    - {mods: [Control, Shift], key: Q, action: Quit}
    - {mods: [Control], mouse: WheelDown, action: DecreaseFontSize}
    - {mods: [Control], mouse: WheelUp, action: IncreaseFontSize}
    - {mods: [Shift], key: DownArrow, action: ScrollOneDown}
    - {mods: [Shift], key: End, action: ScrollToBottom}
    - {mods: [Shift], key: Home, action: ScrollToTop}
    - {mods: [Shift], key: PageDown, action: ScrollPageDown}
    - {mods: [Shift], key: PageUp, action: ScrollPageUp}
    - {mods: [Shift], key: UpArrow, action: ScrollOneUp}
    - {mods: [Shift], key: "{", action: ScrollMarkUp, mode: "~Alt"}
    - {mods: [Shift], key: "}", action: ScrollMarkDown, mode: "~Alt"}
    - {mods: [Shift], mouse: WheelDown, action: ScrollPageDown}
    - {mods: [Shift], mouse: WheelUp, action: ScrollPageUp}
    - {mods: [Control], key: O, action: OpenFileManager}
skyline75489 commented 2 years ago

Isn't this the same issue as #343? I think strict_spacing = false fixes it for me. I remember in #343 I discovered that even if the CJK font is monospace, the property reported by FontConfig is NOT monospeace.

christianparpart commented 2 years ago

Hey, sorry for the ultra-latency. I've just merged another strict_spacing-related PR that should also have a positive affect on CJK font files, that is: strict spacing can only be applied to font files that to advertise spacing property. Font files that do not report spacing attribute will not be rejected.

I also think we can close this ticket now. (Please re-open in case of problems :-) )

Jackson-soft commented 2 years ago

contour still have this problem

uspasojevic96 commented 2 years ago

Hello, did you set strict_spacing to false in your contour.yml config?

Jackson-soft commented 2 years ago

yes, use default configuration

uspasojevic96 commented 2 years ago

image I can't reproduce it

Jackson-soft commented 2 years ago




uspasojevic96 commented 2 years ago

Can you try changing font.locator to fontconfig?

Jackson-soft commented 2 years ago


christianparpart commented 2 years ago


Is this how it would look like?

Jackson-soft commented 2 years ago


Is this how it would look like?

yes, chang font.locator to fontconfig

christianparpart commented 2 years ago

Okay nice.

My apologies, we know the Core text font locator isn't perfect yet. It will be improved when I have more time to dedicate. :)

Jackson-soft commented 2 years ago
