contradictioned / areweideyet
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Updates to IntelliJ-based IDEs section #83

Closed MarinaKalashina closed 5 years ago

MarinaKalashina commented 5 years ago

Please consider the following updates regarding IntelliJ. Plugins for Rust and TOML are compatible with all IntelliJ-based IDEs, including but not limited to IDEA. They are mostly used in IDEA, CLion, and PyCharm. But debugging for Rust is currently available in CLion only. In this commit: 1) table: the row 'IntelliJ IDEA' renamed into 'IntelliJ-based IDEs' and toml marked as supported. 2) text: title changed to 'IntelliJ-based IDEs' and text updated.

contradictioned commented 5 years ago

Great idea, thanks!