contribsys / faktory

Language-agnostic persistent background job server
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Crashlooping on start #479

Closed rocktavious closed 1 month ago

rocktavious commented 1 month ago

Are you using an old version? Yes by 1 release Have you checked the changelogs to see if your issue has been fixed in a later version? Yes

When starting up the faktory server we get a constant crashlooping in kubernetes and the logs don't indicate why when bumpped to a debug level.

This is for our enterprise license faktory we are trying to stand up.

Here are the logs it prints out.

opslevel-faktory-0 server Faktory Enterprise 1.8.0 linux/amd64
opslevel-faktory-0 server © 2024 Contributed Systems LLC.
opslevel-faktory-0 server D 2024-06-12T20:11:18.062Z Options: {:7419 :7420 staging /etc/faktory debug /var/lib/faktory/db}
opslevel-faktory-0 server I 2024-06-12T20:11:18.062Z Licensed to XXXXXXX_REDACTED_XXXXXXXX, max 200 connections
opslevel-faktory-0 server D 2024-06-12T20:11:18.062Z Reading configuration in /etc/faktory/conf.d/statsd.toml
opslevel-faktory-0 server D 2024-06-12T20:11:18.062Z Reading configuration in /etc/faktory/conf.d/webui.toml
opslevel-faktory-0 server I 2024-06-12T20:11:18.062Z Initializing redis storage at /var/lib/faktory/db, socket /var/lib/faktory/db/redis.sock
opslevel-faktory-0 server D 2024-06-12T20:11:18.129Z Booting Redis: /usr/bin/redis-server /tmp/redis.conf --unixsocket /var/lib/faktory/db/redis.sock --loglevel notice --dir /var/lib/faktory/db --logfile /var/lib/faktory/db/redis.log
opslevel-faktory-0 server D 2024-06-12T20:11:18.139Z Redis booted in 10.202475ms
opslevel-faktory-0 server D 2024-06-12T20:11:18.140Z Running Redis v7.0.12
opslevel-faktory-0 server D 2024-06-12T20:11:18.140Z Merged configuration
opslevel-faktory-0 server D 2024-06-12T20:11:18.140Z map[statsd:map[location:datadog-agent.datadog.svc.cluster.local:8125 namespace:faktory queueLatency:[app default runner] tags:[env:dev]] webui:map[title:OpsLevel Dev Faktory]]
opslevel-faktory-0 server I 2024-06-12T20:11:18.140Z Limited to 100 connections in the staging environment
opslevel-faktory-0 server I 2024-06-12T20:11:18.140Z Web server now listening at :7420
opslevel-faktory-0 server D 2024-06-12T20:11:18.140Z No cron configuration found
opslevel-faktory-0 server D 2024-06-12T20:11:18.140Z Cron subsystem managing 0 periodic jobs
opslevel-faktory-0 server I 2024-06-12T20:11:18.140Z Sending statsd metrics to datadog-agent.datadog.svc.cluster.local:8125 with namespace faktory
opslevel-faktory-0 server D 2024-06-12T20:11:18.148Z Stopping scheduled tasks
opslevel-faktory-0 server D 2024-06-12T20:11:18.248Z Stopping storage
opslevel-faktory-0 server D 2024-06-12T20:11:18.248Z Shutting down Redis PID 692

Additionally kubernetes reports the process as exiting fully and cleanly and with exit code 0

    State:          Waiting
      Reason:       CrashLoopBackOff
    Last State:     Terminated
      Reason:       Completed
      Exit Code:    0
      Started:      Wed, 12 Jun 2024 14:05:11 -0500
      Finished:     Wed, 12 Jun 2024 14:05:11 -0500
mperham commented 1 month ago

I’ve never seen this and there’s no info which gives me any more info. Can you start Faktory manually, outside of k8s, on the same machine?

rocktavious commented 1 month ago

Because this is running on a kubernetes cluster and we've locked down access to the nodes directly this is not something I can easily test. Additionally it has been deleted and created a number of times which causes it to schedule to 1 of the 7 nodes in this cluster and it hasn't worked on any of them.

The only difference i see on the node pools between the cluster it does work in and this one is kernal and amazon linux version.

Cluster it works in

Amazon Linux 2   5.10.173-154.642.amzn2.x86_64   containerd://1.6.19

Cluser it doesn't work in

Amazon Linux 2   5.10.215-203.850.amzn2.x86_64   containerd://1.7.11

I'll keep double checking configuration between the two but is it possible the same license file cannot be used for -e staging and -e production ?

I think we ordered 2 licenses but the e-mail i was sent from my procurement team only had 1 license in it. And i noticed the log line says 200 connections when i expected each to only be 100.

mperham commented 1 month ago

You can share a single license between two servers, giving each 100 connections. I believe the Licensing wiki page covers that.

mperham commented 1 month ago

And yes, the same license can be used in staging and production.

rocktavious commented 1 month ago

@mperham what do you mean by giving each 100 connections ? Are you saying if i use the same license key between two instances - even if the environment is set to staging i have to also set FAKTORY_MAX_CONNS=100 for both the production and staging servers?

mperham commented 1 month ago

"Faktory has the notion of environment -- you start Faktory in development, staging or production and only pay for production servers."

You have a total of 200 connections in production. You can have two production servers sharing the same license, each with FAKTORY_CONN_MAX=100. You can have unlimited staging servers but each staging server is limited to 100 connections automatically when you use -e staging.

rocktavious commented 1 month ago

@mperham So then something is broken with the startup for faktory. Here is the command i'm using

faktory -b :7419 -w :7420 -l debug -e staging

and i get these logs

opslevel-faktory-0 server Faktory Enterprise 1.9.0 linux/amd64
opslevel-faktory-0 server © 2024 Contributed Systems LLC.
opslevel-faktory-0 server D 2024-06-17T14:21:43.540Z Options: {:7419 :7420 staging /etc/faktory debug /var/lib/faktory/db}
opslevel-faktory-0 server W 2024-06-17T14:21:43.540Z Invalid licensing, please see the Faktory wiki for proper configuration
opslevel-faktory-0 server E 2024-06-17T14:21:43.540Z : No valid licensing found in FAKTORY_LICENSE or /etc/faktory/license: 

and then the pod shuts down.

I've also tried giving it the FAKTORY_LICENSE which was sent to us and thats when you get the above logs from the initial ticket.

mperham commented 1 month ago

Sounds like you have a good clue. I have to assume there's some annoyance in your licensing configuration preventing startup, like unwanted whitespace or something.

rocktavious commented 1 month ago

@mperham I FOUND IT. It totally is the statsd settings.

I switched it back to using the FAKTORY_LICENSE and when using -e staging it stands up as long as i remove the statsd.toml because its pointed to a datadog agent that doesn't exist. So it seems like the statsd initialization is crashing the faktory server if it cannot reach out to the statsd server???

mperham commented 1 month ago

That still doesn't make sense to me, Datadog should be more resilient than that.The Statsd protocol uses UDP which is connection-less. The existence of the remote side should be irrelevant.

rocktavious commented 1 month ago

@mperham - well i've confirmed it. Adding back the statsd.toml causes it to shutdown.

Here is my config

location = "datadog-agent.datadog.svc.cluster.local:8125"
namespace = "faktory"
tags = ["env:dev"]
queueLatency = ["app", "default", "runner"]

So it seems a few things:

I've replicated this both on 1.8.0 and 1.9.0 using the enterprise image

mperham commented 1 month ago

Yep, I can reproduce this. Fix coming...

mperham commented 1 month ago

I've found and fixed the issue with Faktory stopping with no error message.

I 2024-06-17T16:15:07.010Z Sending statsd metrics to mike:8150 with namespace faktory
I 2024-06-17T16:15:07.010Z Web server now listening at localhost:7420
E 2024-06-17T16:15:07.012Z Unable to start Faktory: cannot start server subsystem statsd at mike:8150: lookup mike: no such host
D 2024-06-17T16:15:07.012Z Stopping scheduled tasks
D 2024-06-17T16:15:07.113Z Stopping storage
D 2024-06-17T16:15:07.113Z Shutting down Redis PID 5739
mperham commented 1 month ago

I suspect your underlying issue is that the datadog statsd host is not DNS resolvable. Datadog resolves the IP address when it creates the Statsd connection.

rocktavious commented 1 month ago

Thanks @mperham - I assume this will be in 1.10 ?

Also what about the -e staging still requiring the FAKTORY_LICENSE env var to be filled? Is that expected?

mperham commented 1 month ago

It will be in 1.9.1 or 1.10.

A license is always required outside of the development environment.