contributte / datagrid

:muscle: DataGrid for Nette Framework: filtering, sorting, pagination, tree view, table view, translator, etc
MIT License
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Open visibility for better inheritance usage. #1073

Closed jannovy closed 1 year ago

jannovy commented 1 year ago

I have to customize DoctrineDataSource class to improve Doctrine performance. This is the most simple way how to embed my own DoctrineDataSource to DataModel and DataGrid.

radimvaculik commented 1 year ago

@jannovy Why don't you use method setDataSource? I don't get your proposal changes.

jannovy commented 1 year ago

@radimvaculik The goal is to use a custom implementation of the DoctrineDataSource class. So I have to create child class of DataModel to replace \Ublaboo\DataGrid\DataSource\DoctrineDataSource by my own \App\DataGrid\DataSource\DoctrineDataSource

Or is there some other shortcut ?

radimvaculik commented 1 year ago

@jannovy Did you check this PR? Does it solve your problem?

radimvaculik commented 1 year ago

@jannovy Ping.

jannovy commented 1 year ago

@radimvaculik Yes, this is solution for me.

radimvaculik commented 1 year ago

@jannovy Can we close this issue?

jannovy commented 1 year ago

@radimvaculik Yes, thank you.