contributte / datagrid

:muscle: DataGrid for Nette Framework: filtering, sorting, pagination, tree view, table view, translator, etc
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Manual page number selection via number input with confirm button. #1124

Closed kolacekp closed 4 days ago

kolacekp commented 2 months ago

Hello, it would be very useful to have the extended pagination feature, where I could enter the page number manually (let's say I want to go to page 20, I will type number 20 into small input and then hit "go" button).

radimvaculik commented 2 months ago

@kolacekp Could you introduce a pull request with changes, please? 🙏

radimvaculik commented 2 months ago

@kolacekp Or you can have custom template for paginator (see DatagridPaginator::setTemplateFile() or Datagrid::setCustomPaginatorTemplate()), where you can have your custom form.

kolacekp commented 2 months ago

@radimvaculik thanks, but I can't find that anywhere in documentation.

radimvaculik commented 2 months ago

It isn't documented very well. Check the source code.

radimvaculik commented 2 months ago

@kolacekp 👀

kolacekp commented 1 month ago

@radimvaculik thanks! I will look into that :)