contributte / forms-multiplier

:repeat: Form multiplier & replicator for Nette Framework
MIT License
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How to use the multiplier for editing #104

Open tomminok opened 3 months ago

tomminok commented 3 months ago

Hello I'm trying to use a multiplier in a data editing form. According to the records in the database, the appropriate number of Multiplier elements must be displayed.

Unfortunately, I don't know how to properly access the multiplier components.

Can you state the correct use of the multiplier for editing?

$defHeader = json_decode($defVals->header, true);

$multiplier = $form->addMultiplier('multiplier', function (\Nette\Forms\Container $container, \Nette\Forms\Form $form) {
    $arrHlavicka = $this->webhookModel->getHlavicka(['stav'=>1])->fetchPairs("nazev", "nazev");

    $container->addSelect('hlavicka', 'Hlavička',$arrHlavicka)
        ->setHtmlAttribute('class', 'form-control')
        ->setHtmlAttribute("placeholder", 'Vyberte hlavičku')
        ->setPrompt('Vyberte hlavičku');

    $container->addText('hlavickaval', 'Request Header')
        ->setHtmlAttribute('class', 'form-control')
        ->setHtmlAttribute("placeholder", 'Hodnota hlavičky');    
}, count($defHeader));   

$multiplier->addCreateButton('Přidat hlavičku')
      ->addClass('btn btn-success');

foreach($defHeader as $k => $v){
    $hlavicka[] = [ 'hlavicka' => $k, 'hlavickaval' => $v ];

foreach ($multiplier as $index => $container) {
    $hlavicka = $container->getComponent('hlavicka');
    $hlavickaval = $container->getComponent('hlavickaval');

    // Nastavení výchozích hodnot

    // Přidání tlačítka RemoveButton
              ->addClass('btn btn-danger');

Thank you Thomas

jtojnar commented 3 months ago

Why not just use $multiplier->setDefaults($hlavicka)?

Also addRemoveButton() is method of multiplier too.

tomminok commented 3 months ago

$multiplier->setDefaults($header); It seems to work, it will add two entries with the completed data from the database.

But how to add tl to each item. addRemovButton()?

jtojnar commented 3 months ago

Calling Multiplier::addRemoveButton() will ensure each item has a remove button.

tomminok commented 3 months ago

please and where to call this Multiplier::add Remove Button()? my full code is below:

$defHeader = json_decode($defVals->header, true);

$multiplier = $form->addMultiplier('multiplier', function (\Nette\Forms\Container $container, \Nette\Forms\Form $form) {
    $arrHlavicka = $this->webhookModel->getHlavicka(['stav'=>1])->fetchPairs("nazev", "nazev");

    $container->addSelect('hlavicka', 'Hlavička',$arrHlavicka)
        ->setHtmlAttribute('class', 'form-control')
        ->setHtmlAttribute("placeholder", 'Vyberte hlavičku')
        ->setPrompt('Vyberte hlavičku');

    $container->addText('hlavickaval', 'Request Header')
        ->setHtmlAttribute('class', 'form-control')
        ->setHtmlAttribute("placeholder", 'Hodnota hlavičky');    

}, count($defHeader));   

$multiplier->addCreateButton('Přidat hlavičku')
      ->addClass('btn btn-success');

foreach($defHeader as $k => $v){
    $hlavicka[] = [ 'hlavicka' => $k, 'hlavickaval' => $v ];


      ->addClass('btn btn-danger');

Thank you

jtojnar commented 3 months ago

I would expect your code to work. See also

Also please wrap code blocks between ```php and ``` so that syntax highlighting works.