conventional-changelog-archived-repos / conventional-commits-parser

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Using a regex for issuePrefixes #22

Closed erquhart closed 8 years ago

erquhart commented 8 years ago

For enterprise projects using Jira/Bitbucket Server, the # symbol doesn't really apply the way it does in Github. A regex would allow developers to use something like /[A-Z]+\-[0-9]+/, which would capture any Jira issue key. Is there already some way of doing this, or would this approach fit with your plans for the library?

My current solution is providing an array of Jira project names, and using the raw value in the commit template, but the static list approach might get unwieldy.

stevemao commented 8 years ago

It's already fixed by

erquhart commented 8 years ago

Not the same issue - can you reread?

stevemao commented 8 years ago

Jira/Bitbucket Server is already supported.

stevemao commented 8 years ago

Also please read

erquhart commented 8 years ago

You have to prefix the Jira issue key with a hash.

stevemao commented 8 years ago

What do you mean exactly? The tests passed

erquhart commented 8 years ago

It only works if the Jira issue key is prefixed with a # symbol.


Doesn't work:

Prefixing a Github issue key with a hash symbol is standard. Prefixing a Jira issue key with a hash symbol is not ever done, for any reason. I'm suggesting that this not be a requirement for non-github users.

stevemao commented 8 years ago

what about using MYJIRAPROJECT- as a prefix?

erquhart commented 8 years ago

That's what I'm currently doing. From my original post:

My current solution is providing an array of Jira project names, and using the raw value in the commit template, but the static list approach might get unwieldy.

A repo can be referenced by multiple projects, and that list becomes one more thing to keep fresh (there are hundreds of Jira projects in my current context). The simplest fix would be to allow issuePrefix to accept a regex, and to provide a boolean option for including the prefix in the issue key itself, both for display and for the url.

stevemao commented 8 years ago

The simplest fix would be to allow issuePrefix to accept a regex, and to provide a boolean option for including the prefix in the issue key itself, both for display and for the url.

Does it fit the current API paradigm?

Is there any side effect of making issuePrefix optional?

erquhart commented 8 years ago

It wouldn't be optional, just optionally included in the issue key. The API changes would include:

No breaking changes, just a feature addition.

stevemao commented 8 years ago

I don't 100% understand you.

I was thinking if issuePrefix is null, no issue prefix is needed (Closes MYJIRAPROJECT-123 would work without # or gh-). But I don't know if there's any downside of this change.

Anyways, PR welcome. For a quick demo purpose you could create a test first.

erquhart commented 8 years ago

I forgot that you're only searching for references in the footer - yes, your way is much more straightforward.

stevemao commented 8 years ago

I forgot that you're only searching for references in the footer

this is not true. It searches everywhere in the commit message.

erquhart commented 8 years ago

Then I would expect to see a lot of false positives with this approach - any number in the commit message would match the regex, right?

stevemao commented 8 years ago

any number in the commit message would match the regex, right?

no, it must have an action (eg: closes) and an issue prefix atm (eg: #)

Then I would expect to see a lot of false positives with this approach

I'm not sure about this.

erquhart commented 8 years ago

Hmm...makes me wonder if it's better to just call out the dichotomy and allow developers to choose an issue key type - numeric or alphanumeric. Numeric would use the current defaults, but with the regex as it was prior to the commit you referenced earlier. Alphanumeric would default to no prefix or action, and would use the updated regex (but without searching for pure digit strings). These changes, together with making issuePrefix and referenceActions optional, would do the trick, and I wouldn't expect any breaks.

erquhart commented 8 years ago

So the api changes would include:

What do you think?

stevemao commented 8 years ago

I really don't want to add another option for this.

I'm probably going for the original proposal I made. an edge case might be

I closed the door

fixes 123

the is misparsed as an issue. I don't know if this is a good idea?

On top of this we could make referenceActions optional. In this scenario, It only searches for the pattern made by issuePrefix.

JIRA-123 blocks the code

I don't see any problem with this.

If they both issuePrefix and referenceActions are null, you can't reference.

erquhart commented 8 years ago

Yep, the extra option is definitely syntactic sugar - but it's in the spirit of the conventional-changelog api, which is, to quote Andrew Joslin (source):

I need to be able to find this repo and get started as quickly as possible, with as little reading and weighing of choices as possible.

The direction you're heading will require developers to think through, and possibly Google their way through, setting up the commit parser to work for Jira, which is a very common use case. Making the api flexible enough to allow for this, as you're describing, is great, but I could have moved on to other things many hours ago if I could have simply indicated that my issue keys are alphanumeric and left it that.

But yes, either way works.

stevemao commented 8 years ago

I don't think referencing an issue without a prefix is realistic. Looks like there might be many edge cases. Please send a PR if you have a good idea.