conventional-changelog / conventional-changelog-config-spec

a spec describing the config options supported by conventional-config for upstream tooling
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Re-evaluate spec/package versioning mechanism. #12

Closed jbottigliero closed 5 years ago

jbottigliero commented 5 years ago

Initially, we based the spec (and structure of this repository) around @ahmadnassri's work on the har-spec.

We've since provided the spec via JSON Schema as an npm package (#7).

Based on these changes it's a bit unclear what the package.json[version] actually represents and how it will change in future versions.

It seems like the package.json[version] should represent the version exported by the package main attribute. However, it's a bit unclear if future versions should include the schema files (and documentation) of prior versions or simply the targeted (conventional-changelog-config-spec@version).

I'd like to introduce standard-version into this repository now that it's a published package... I'd just like to get some documentation around the version process added before we start auto-bumping.

Q1: Should the version in package.json match the version that is marked as current in the spec?

Q2: Should the master branch include all versions of the spec for the sake of documentation?

Q3: Is using standard-version even a viable option based on the types of changes that might occur in a "spec" repository (how do "Proposed" versions of the spec fit into this model)?

jbottigliero commented 5 years ago

Q1: This will reflect the version of the spec exported by the package.

Q2: For now, it will...

Q3: ...still not sure on this one but will reconsider as the spec matures.