conventional-changelog / standard-version

:trophy: Automate versioning and CHANGELOG generation, with and
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Not able to find the issueUrl in the generated using standard-version 6.0.1 #376

Open gs-dchakraborty opened 5 years ago

gs-dchakraborty commented 5 years ago

In the generated, only the compareURL & commitURL are shown by default. I need the issueURL and the userURL as well.

gs-dchakraborty commented 5 years ago

Additionally is there any way to pass a custom template to conventional-changelog standard-version?

bcoe commented 5 years ago

@gs-dchakraborty you should be able to configure issueURL and userURL I believe, did you see:

We don't currently go so far as allowing you to pass in a custom template -- there are quite a few domain specific variables that someone would need to worry about configuring so I've shied away from exposing anything that low level.

gs-dchakraborty commented 5 years ago

In the commit message where to provide the issueURL so that apart from commit link the issue link is also visible in the change log.

like in git commit -m "feat(ratings): added the ability to add star ratings to posts." where to put the issue number so that conventional changelog applies the issueurlformat to it & renders that in changelog.

I am using the standard-version of conventional change log.

bcoe commented 5 years ago

@gs-dchakraborty in the body of the commit message, you should be able to write:

feat(ratings): added the ability to add star ratings post

fixes #34

And #34 will be linked, is this what you mean?

gs-dchakraborty commented 5 years ago

Yes. My standard version configuration is standardVersion({ scripts, skip, issueUrlFormat: "{{id}}" }); So I have tried with feat(ratings): added the ability to add star ratings post

closes #34 where 34 is my JIRA issue ID. But in the generated changelog - the JIRA issue ID after the keyword 'closes' is not shown. Is JIRA ID not supported as an issueURL due to which it is not getting displayed? As of now only commit ID gets displayed.

edelreal commented 4 years ago

I have a somewhat similar problem.

We use commitizen, and our fixed issues are formatted in our commits as ISSUES CLOSED:

fix: use new logger in latest version of @anewgo/infrastructure library.

Don't use the internal logging library.


Is there a way to configure standard-version to parse patterns other than fixes #<issue_number> ?