conventional-commits /

The conventional commits specification
MIT License
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Can the semantic-pull-requests repo live in this org? #199

Open zeke opened 5 years ago

zeke commented 5 years ago

Hey folks! The maintainers of the @probot org are cleaning house! All repos that are not part of the core Probot product need to find a new home. is a Probot app I maintain that ensures GitHub pull requests follow the Conventional Commits spec. I could move it to my personal account, but I prefer for projects to live in orgs whenever possible, to give them a better chance of long-term survival. 🐯

Would folks be open to moving the repo to this org?

cc @bcoe @hutson @stevemao @damianopetrungaro (members of this org) cc @gr2m @jasonetco @tcbyrd (members of the @probot org)

bcoe commented 5 years ago

@zeke I'd be open to moving it here, what are other's thoughts? another potential home would be, where we have a ton of tooling built around conventional commits, but I'm open to either (if the goal is to keep this a tight reference implementation of the spec).

zeke commented 4 years ago

Hey again. Thanks for chiming in @bcoe. The bot is indeed designed to follow the spec as closely as reasonably possible, so I think this org is probably the best home.

Not a lot of feedback but based on your comment and the emoji reactions, it doesn't look like anyone's actively opposed to the idea. I'm a member of this org but not an owner, so I can currently make the transfer. Maybe I have owner access to do that?

bcoe commented 4 years ago

@zeke you're an owner now, perhaps we can rope you in to editing the spec going forward too :laughing: