convergencelabs / convergence-project

The project used for Convergence Project Management and Issue Reporting
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signup with email and password #175

Open rodgomesc opened 4 years ago

rodgomesc commented 4 years ago

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hello, guys, I didn't see anything in the documentation related to signup with email and password, or in any other way than by the administrative panel, do you have plans to do this type of implementation? if so, could you show me some way to start working on it ?, thanks

mmacfadden commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the question. We don't have this capability today. Convergence generally assumes that you have application infrastructure that would usually take care of that. Most of our users have an authoritative use directory and a back end server that controls them. They generally use the REST API to create a user in convergence when a user is created in their system, or they use JWT which will auto create the user.

Is the use case here that you would like to use convergence as the main user store, and are looking for a way for the end-user to register a new user through the web?

rodgomesc commented 4 years ago

So, I'm migrating from firebase / firestore to convergence, and in the current approach of my project, I hadn't planned to develop a backend yet, I was using firebase as a user manager, creating new users with:


but this is not a problem, I really think I should move this to an api, even because I would have more control over it,

But for now I have a doubts about what you said;

They generally use the REST API to create a user in convergence when a user is created in their system

what would be the best way to do this?

I would use my api to connect to the convergence database and manually create the user in the database as it happens when a user signs up in convergence admin console, so I would have some challenges, like using the same encryption standard as the hash of password in your db etc , for now I will check this approach with jwt

I will show a little of my app flow of so if you have any other suggestions, let me know :smile:


alalonde commented 3 years ago

Did you end up taking the JWT route? Curious what you're using for auth now. The JWT flow is typically a bit more straightforward to implement.