conversejs / converse.js

Web-based XMPP/Jabber chat client written in JavaScript
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[Angular @converse/headless]: Error: You must supply a value for either the bosh_service_url or websocket_url or both #3397

Closed LMatass closed 1 month ago

LMatass commented 1 month ago


I'm trying to integrate @converse/headless in a Angular app, but I have one error when initializing converse.

I have the following error:

ERROR Error: You must supply a value for either the bosh_service_url or websocket_url or both.
    at _Connection.<anonymous> (index.js:109:19)
    at (<anonymous>)
    at chunk-QMAMURKP.js?v=ed115fa0:85:61
    at new ZoneAwarePromise (zone.js:2602:25)
    at __async (chunk-QMAMURKP.js?v=ed115fa0:69:10)
    at _Connection.connect (index.js:103:45)
    at init.js:466:30
    at (<anonymous>)
    at chunk-QMAMURKP.js?v=ed115fa0:85:61
    at new ZoneAwarePromise (zone.js:2602:25)

Even if I have a valid bosh_service_url url. I have tried this very same configuration, using a static index.html file and pointing to the

Here is how im trying to integrate it into angular (might be wrong as the only example I could find on how to integrate @converse/headless was very old).

Basically I have a service, which on constructor makes the initialization.

// @ts-ignore
import { converse, api } from '@converse/headless/core';

  providedIn: 'root',
export class ConverseService {
  constructor() {

  private initializeConverse() {

      bosh_service_url: 'https://xmpp.some.valid.domain/bosh',
      authentication: 'anonymous',
      jid: 'some.valid.domain',
      auto_login: true,
      nickname: "Some anonymous guy [You]",
      auto_join_on_invite: true,
      discover_connection_methods: false,
      allow_non_roster_messaging: true,
      locked_domain: 'some.valid.domain',

I have introduced a console.log() inside the initialize() function in node_modules\@converse\headless\shared\api\public.js to check whether the settings were arriving as they supposed, and it looks like it, there are the same settings as I pass in the angular service.

I'm probably missing something but I couldn't figure it out, some help or examples would be appreciate it

LMatass commented 1 month ago

``It seems that I was importing the wrong package.


// @ts-ignore
import { converse, api } from '@converse/headless/core';


// @ts-ignore
import converse from '@converse/headless/index';

Solved the issue.

To access the api object, inside a converse.plugins.add function simply:

    converse.plugins.add('some-plugin', {
      initialize: function () {;

      foo(_converse: any) {

Hope this can help anyone!