converspace / webmention

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Marking embedded/transcluded content as remote (e.g. add h-cite class) #40

Open elf-pavlik opened 9 years ago

elf-pavlik commented 9 years ago

After Social WG F2F3 we had conversation with @rhiaro about Named Graphs and keeping provenance of data on decentralized social web. We also discussed how we understand IndieWeb community use of h-cite microformat

We concluded with an idea to discuss recommending making all the content added via webmention as remote. In case of sites using microformats, it could work by simply adding additional class h-cite eg. class="h-entry h-cite", class="h-card h-cite", class="h-event h-cite" etc. @tantek

It could go under Preventing Abuse section of this spec.

aaronpk commented 9 years ago

I agree with this, it seems equivalent to rel="nofollow". However I think things that talk about the display of comments shouldn't be part of the core Webmention spec, so maybe just referencing this non-normatively.

elf-pavlik commented 9 years ago

Yes, I think webmention should NOT mandate h-cite or couple with microformats. Non-normative note similar to rel="nofollow" sounds very reasonable, especially that as of today very likely most people may use it together with microformats. I also wouldn't see all the content distributed via webmention as comments. Event page receiving RSVP may choose to include profile (eg. h-card) of person replying in list of attendees.