Closed kratostav closed 11 months ago
You can subscribe to whole arrays like below. To change value at the PLC, you will have to set the property (write the whole array). Changing a single element won't work :(
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the value of DemoStaticArraysUInt16.
/// </summary>
[MonitoredItem(nodeId: "ns=2;s=Demo.Static.Arrays.UInt16")]
public UInt16[] DemoStaticArraysUInt16
get { return this._DemoStaticArraysVector; }
set { this.SetProperty(ref this._DemoStaticArraysVector, value); }
private UInt16[] _DemoStaticArraysVector;
Hi, first thank you for this great library. I only have one Problem subscribing to an array in MVVM fashion. How to I subscribe and how to I get the Values to change in both directions? Or do I have to flatten the arrays in multiple nodes?