This is the Convertigo SDK for iOS. Developers can use this SDK to access all back end service provided by Convertigo mBaaS such as orchestrations, connectors data synchronization push notifications and remote logging
This script in the Podspec is causing the project containing the Convertigo SDK to rebuild everything in my project everytimes even if no source file is modified.
It's really annoying because it makes compiling take at least 30 seconds even if nothing is modified.
What is this script used for?
Can it be safely removed?
Could you update the SDK to a version without this Script?
This script in the Podspec is causing the project containing the Convertigo SDK to rebuild everything in my project everytimes even if no source file is modified.
It's really annoying because it makes compiling take at least 30 seconds even if nothing is modified.
What is this script used for? Can it be safely removed?
Could you update the SDK to a version without this Script?
s.script_phase = { :name => 'Hello World', :script => 'echo "C8oSDK: Add umbrella header for CBL dependency" && [ ! -d "./couchbase-lite-ios/Couchbaselite.framework/Modules" ] && mkdir ./couchbase-lite-ios/Couchbaselite.framework/Modules || echo "path already exists" && touch ./couchbase-lite-ios/Couchbaselite.framework/Modules/module.modulemap && echo \'framework module CouchbaseLite { module All { umbrella header "../Headers/CouchbaseLite.h" export module { export }} module JSView { umbrella header "../../Extras/CBLRegisterJSViewCompiler.h" export module { export }}}\' > ./couchbase-lite-ios/Couchbaselite.framework/Modules/module.modulemap', :execution_position => :before_compile }