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[Closed] 위키독스로의 하이퍼링크 제거 #123

Closed Curt-Park closed 3 years ago

Curt-Park commented 3 years ago

현재 위키독스로의 하이퍼링크가 문서 내에 다수 존재.


$ grep -rn "wikidocs" *


chapter02/_posts/  <img src="" alt="[Fig1] Minimum element [1]" width="70%">
chapter02/_posts/  <img src="" alt="[Fig2] Minimal element [1]" width="70%">
chapter02/_posts/  <img src="" alt="[Fig3] Minimal이지만 minimizer가 아닌 예 [1]" width="70%">
chapter02/_posts/  <img src="" alt="[Fig4] $$\lambda_1 \succ_K^* 0$$으로 강화되지 않는 Minimal 예  [1]" width="70%">
chapter02/_posts/  <img src="" alt="[Fig5] Optimal production frontier [1]" width="70%">
chapter02/_posts/  <img src="" alt="[Fig1] Hyperplane [1]" width="70%">
chapter02/_posts/  <img src="" alt="[Fig2] Halfspace [1]" width="70%">
chapter02/_posts/  <img src="" alt="[Fig3] Ellipsoid [1]" width="70%">
chapter02/_posts/  <img src="" alt="[Fig4] Norm ball [1]" width="70%">
chapter02/_posts/  <img src="" alt="[Fig4] Norm ball [2]" width="70%">
chapter02/_posts/  <img src="" alt="[Fig5] Polyhedra [1]" width="70%">
chapter02/_posts/  <img src="" alt="[Fig6] Simplex [source - wikipedia]" width="70%">
chapter02/_posts/  <img src="" alt="[Fig 1] pin-hole 카메라 작동 원리" width="70%">
chapter02/_posts/  <img src="" alt="[Fig 2] pin-hole 카메라의 perspective function [1]" width="70%">
chapter02/_posts/  <img src="" alt="[Fig 3] Linear-fractional functions [1]" width="70%">
chapter02/_posts/  <img src="" alt="[Fig1] Convex Cone [1]" width="70%">
chapter02/_posts/  <img src="" alt="[Fig2] Conic hull [1]" width="70%">
chapter02/_posts/  <img src="" alt="[Fig1] Convex Set [1]" width="70%">
chapter02/_posts/  <img src="" alt="[Fig2] Convex hull [1]" width="70%">
chapter02/_posts/  <img src="" alt="[Fig1] Dual cone 정의 구간" width="70%">
chapter02/_posts/  <img src="" alt="[Fig2] Dual cone과 supporting hyperplanne의 normal[1]" width="70%">
chapter02/_posts/  <img src="" alt="[Fig3] $$l_2$$ cone과 dual cone" width="70%">
chapter02/_posts/  <img src="" alt="[Fig4] $$l_\infty$$ cone과 dual cone" width="70%">
chapter02/_posts/  <img src="" alt="[Fig1] Norm Cone [1]" width="70%">
chapter02/_posts/  <img src="" alt="[Fig2] Normal Cone [3]" width="70%">
chapter02/_posts/  <img src="" alt="[Fig3] Positive semidefinite cone [1]" width="70%">
chapter02/_posts/  <img src="" alt="[Fig1] Separating hyperplane theorem [1]" width="70%">
chapter02/_posts/  <img src="" alt="[Fig 2] Supporting hyperplane [1]" width="70%">
chapter02/_posts/  <img src="" alt="[Fig1] Minimum and minimal elements [1]" width="70%">
chapter02/_posts/21-02-08-02_01_01_Line_line  <img src="" alt="Line Segment" width="70%">
chapter03/_posts/ <img src="" alt="" width="70%" height="70%">
chapter03/_posts/ <img src="" alt="" width="70%" height="70%">
chapter03/_posts/ <img src="" alt="" width="70%" height="70%">
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chapter03/_posts/ <img src="" alt="" width="70%" height="70%">
chapter03/_posts/ <img src="" alt="" width="70%" height="70%">
chapter04/_posts/  <img src="" alt="[Fig1] geometric interpretation of convexity of the solution set">
chapter04/_posts/  <img src="" alt="[Fig1] geometric interpretation of first-order condition for optimality [3]">
chapter04/_posts/  <img src="" alt="[Fig1] partial optimization of a convex problem [3]">
chapter05/_posts/21-02-08-05_04_Second_Order_Cone_Programming_(SOCP).md:31:  <img src="" alt="[Fig1] Norm Cone [1]" width="70%">
chapter05/_posts/21-02-08-05_01_Linear_Programming_(LP).md:27:  <img src="" alt="[Fig1] Geometric interpretation of LP [1]" width="70%">
chapter05/_posts/  <img src="" alt="[Fig1] Convex Optimization Problem in standard form [3]" width="70%">
chapter05/_posts/  <img src="" alt="[Fig2] Canonical Problems" width="90%">
chapter05/_posts/21-02-08-05_02_Quadratic_Programming_(QP).md:28:  <img src="" alt="[Fig 1] Geometric interpretation of QP [1]" width="70%">
chapter06/_posts/  <img src="" alt="tree_O9zyAlk" width="80%" height="80%">
chapter06/_posts/  <img src="" alt="Line_Convergence" width="60%" height="60%">
chapter06/_posts/  <img src="" alt="gradientdescent1" width="80%" height="80%">
chapter06/_posts/  <img src="" alt="gradientdescent2" width="80%" height="80%">
chapter06/_posts/  <img src="" alt="gradientdescent3" width="80%" height="80%">
chapter06/_posts/  <img src="" alt="backtrackinglinesearch1" width="100%" height="100%">
chapter06/_posts/  <img src="" alt="backtrackinglinesearch1" width="70%" height="70%">
chapter06/_posts/  <img src="" alt="f_leq_app" width="60%" height="60%">
chapter06/_posts/  <img src="" alt="f_geq_app" width="60%" height="60%">
chapter06/_posts/  <img src="" alt="gradientdescent4" width="100%" height="100%">
chapter07/_posts/ <img src="" alt="connection_to_convexity_geometry" width="80%" height="80%">
chapter07/_posts/  <img src="" alt="Subgradient1" width="80%" height="80%">
chapter07/_posts/  <img src="" alt="Subgradient2" width="80%" height="80%">
chapter07/_posts/  <img src="" alt="Subgradient3" width="80%" height="80%">
chapter07/_posts/  <img src="" alt="Subgradient4" width="80%" height="80%">
chapter07/_posts/  <img src="" alt="connection_to_convexity_geometry" width="80%" height="80%">
chapter08/_posts/  <img src="" alt="stochastic_vs_batch" width="80%" height="80%">
chapter08/_posts/  <img src="" alt="grad_vs_subgrad" width="90%" height="90%">
chapter08/_posts/  <img src="" alt="projection" width="60%" height="60%">
chapter09/_posts/  <img src="" width="80%" height="80%">
chapter09/_posts/  <img src="" width="80%" height="80%">
chapter09/_posts/  <img src="" width="80%" height="80%">
chapter09/_posts/  <img src="" width="80%" height="80%">
chapter09/_posts/  <img src="" width="80%" height="80%">
chapter09/_posts/  <img src="" width="80%" height="80%">
chapter10/_posts/ <img src="" alt="" width="70%" height="70%">
chapter10/_posts/ <img src="" alt="" width="70%" height="70%">
chapter10/_posts/  <img src="" alt="Line Segment" width="70%">
chapter11/_posts/  <img src="" width="70%">
chapter11/_posts/  <img src="" width="70%">
chapter11/_posts/  <img src="" width="70%">
chapter11/_posts/  <img src="" width="70%">
chapter12/_posts/ <img src="" alt="" width="70%" height="70%">
chapter12/_posts/ <img src="" alt="" width="70%" height="70%">
chapter12/_posts/ <img src="" alt="" width="70%" height="70%">
chapter12/_posts/ <img src="" alt="" width="70%" height="70%">
chapter13/_posts/ <img src="" alt="" width="70%" height="70%">
chapter13/_posts/ <img src="" alt="" width="70%" height="70%">
chapter13/_posts/ <img src="" alt="" width="70%" height="70%">
chapter14/_posts/ <img src="" alt="" width="70%" height="70%">
chapter14/_posts/ <img src="" alt="" width="70%" height="70%">
chapter14/_posts/ <img src="" alt="" width="90%">
chapter14/_posts/ <img src="" alt="" width="70%" height="70%">
chapter14/_posts/ <img src="" alt="" width="70%" height="70%">
chapter15/_posts/ <img src="" alt="" width="70%" height="70%">
chapter15/_posts/ <img src="" alt="" width="70%" height="70%">
chapter15/_posts/ <img src="" alt="" width="70%" height="70%">
chapter15/_posts/ <img src="" alt="" width="70%" height="70%">
chapter15/_posts/ <img src="" alt="" width="70%" height="70%">
chapter17/_posts/  <img src="">
chapter17/_posts/  <img src="">
chapter18/_posts/21-03-23-18_07_Limited_Memory_BFGS_(LBFGS).md:45:  <img src="" alt="[Fig1] The algorithm of LBFGS [3]" width="90%">
chapter18/_posts/  <img src="" alt="[Fig1] The intuition of secant equation" width="70%">
chapter19/_posts/  <img src="" alt="[Fig 1] Projection onto a convex set C [3]" width="70%">
chapter19/_posts/  <img src="" alt="[Fig 1] Proximal gradient descent updates [3]" width="70%">
chapter19/_posts/  <img src="" alt="[Fig 1] Dense hessian X (n=5000, p=6000) [2]" width="70%">
chapter19/_posts/  <img src="" alt="[Fig 2] Sparse hessian X (n=542,000, p=47,000) [2]" width="70%">
chapter19/_posts/  <img src="" alt="[Fig 3] Three stopping rules [2]" width="70%">
chapter20/_posts/  <img src="" alt="[Fig 1] Broadcast and Gather" width="70%">
chapter21/_posts/이 문제는 projection 행렬의 set이 convex set이 아니기 때문에 non-convex 문제이다. 하지만, 아래의 convex 문제와 동일함이 알려져 있다.[[VCLR13](] 이는 subspace estimation problem이라고도 불린다.
chapter21/_posts/여기서 $$P_{F_{k}}$$는 fantope projection operator이다. 이는 eigendecomposition $$A= U\sum U^{T}, \sum = diag(\sigma_{1},...\sigma_{p})$$의  clipping으로 정의된다.[[VCLR13](]:
chapter21/_posts/$$M\in \mathbb{R}^{n\times m}$$일때, sparse plue low rank decomposition problem은 다음과 같다.[[CLMW09](]
chapter21/_posts/  <img src="" alt="[Fig 1] Example of sparse plue low rank decomoposition on surveliance camera[3]" width="70%">
chapter21/_posts/  <img src="" alt="[Fig 1] Interpretation of the penalty term in 2d fussed lasso[3]" width="70%">
chapter21/_posts/  <img src="" alt="[Fig 2]  Interpretation of the matrix form ADMM updates for 2d fused lasso[3]" width="70%">
chapter21/_posts/  <img src="" alt="[Fig 3]  Data, exact solution image(300x200 image : n = 60,000).
chapter21/_posts/  <img src="" alt="[Fig 4]  Convergence curves of two ADMM algorithms. black : standard(vector form), red : specialized(matrix form) [3]" width="70%">
chapter21/_posts/  <img src="" alt="[Fig 5]  ADMM iterates visualized after k = 10, 30, 50, 100 iterations [3]" width="70%">
chapter21/_posts/이전의 여러 장에서, 우리는 lasso 문제를 여러가지 방법으로 해결해보았다. 대표적으로는 [proximal gradient descent(ISTA)](, [accelerated proximal gradient descent(FISTA)](, [barrier method](, [primal-dual interior-point method]( 등이 있다.
chapter21/_posts/  <img src="" alt="[Fig 1] Comparison of various algorithms for lasso regression (50 instances with n = 100, p = 20) [3]" width="70%">
chapter22/_posts/  <img src="" alt="[Fig 1] Conditional Gradient (Frank-Wolfe) method (From Jaggi 2011)[3]">
chapter22/_posts/  <img src="" alt="[Fig 2] Comparing projected and conditional gradient for constrained lasso
chapter22/_posts/  <img src="" alt="[Fig 3] Away step motivation [3]">
chapter23/_posts/  <img src="" alt="[Fig1] Smooth convex function f [3]">
chapter23/_posts/  <img src="" alt="[Fig2] Counterexample: Non-smooth convex function f [3]">
chapter23/_posts/  <img src="" alt="[Fig3] Convex function f with separable non-smooth parts [3]">
chapter23/_posts/  <img src="" alt="[Fig1] Smooth convex function f [3]">
chapter23/_posts/  <img src="" alt="[Fig2] Counterexample: Non-smooth convex function f [3]">
chapter23/_posts/  <img src="" alt="[Fig3] Convex function f with separable non-smooth parts [3]">
chapter23/_posts/  <img src="" alt="[Fig1] PD vs AGD vs CD [3]">
chapter25/_posts/  <img src="" alt="[Fig1] Mixed integer programming gap [3]">
chapter25/_posts/  <img src="" alt="[Fig2] Cold vs Warm Starts [3]">
chapter25/_posts/![]( <br>
chapter25/_posts/  <img src="" alt="[Fig1] Cutting Plane">
chapter25/_posts/  <img src="" alt="[Fig1] Dataset n=350, p = 64, k=6 [3]">
chapter25/_posts/  <img src="" alt="[Fig2] Cold and Warm Starts [3]">
chapter25/_posts/  <img src="" alt="[Fig3] Sparsity Detection (synthetic database) [3]">
chapter25/_posts/  <img src="" alt="[Fig1] Cutting Plane">
Curt-Park commented 3 years ago

@enfow 이미지 외로는 전부 제거했습니다. 이미지는 너무 분량이 많아서 나누어 작업하는 것이 좋을 것 같습니다.

enfow commented 3 years ago

Due date: 06.03(Thr)


enfow commented 3 years ago
contents/chapter06/_posts/  <img src="" alt="Line_Convergence" width="60%" height="60%">
contents/chapter25/_posts/  <img src="" alt="[Fig1] Cutting Plane">
contents/chapter25/_posts/![]( <br>
contents/chapter25/_posts/  <img src="" alt="[Fig1] Cutting Plane">
contents/chapter25/_posts/  <img src="" alt="[Fig1] Dataset n=350, p = 64, k=6 [3]">
contents/chapter25/_posts/  <img src="" alt="[Fig2] Cold and Warm Starts [3]">
contents/chapter25/_posts/  <img src="" alt="[Fig3] Sparsity Detection (synthetic database) [3]">
contents/chapter25/_posts/  <img src="" alt="[Fig1] Mixed integer programming gap [3]">
contents/chapter25/_posts/  <img src="" alt="[Fig2] Cold vs Warm Starts [3]">
enfow commented 3 years ago

@enfow @YoungJaeChoung

Curt-Park commented 3 years ago

contents 내의 모든 페이지에서 wikidocs 링크 제거