convexengineering / gpkit

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High Fidelity Example #622

Closed codykarcher closed 8 years ago

codykarcher commented 8 years ago

I'm planning to add this as an example to the docs:

import numpy as np
from gpkit import Variable, Model
from gpkit.constraints.set import ConstraintSet
import subprocess
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Constants
k = Variable("k", 1.2, "-", "form factor")
e = Variable("e", 0.95, "-", "Oswald efficiency factor")
mu = Variable("\\mu", 1.78e-5, "kg/m/s", "viscosity of air")
pi = Variable("\\pi", np.pi, "-", "half of the circle constant")
rho = Variable("\\rho", 1.23, "kg/m^3", "density of air")
tau = Variable("\\tau", 0.12, "-", "airfoil thickness to chord ratio")
N_ult = Variable("N_{ult}", 3.8, "-", "ultimate load factor")
V_min = Variable("V_{min}", 22, "m/s", "takeoff speed")
C_Lmax = Variable("C_{L,max}", 1.5, "-", "max CL with flaps down")
S_wetratio = Variable("(\\frac{S}{S_{wet}})", 2.05, "-", "wetted area ratio")
W_W_coeff1 = Variable("W_{W_{coeff1}}", 8.71e-5, "1/m",
                      "Wing Weight Coefficent 1")
W_W_coeff2 = Variable("W_{W_{coeff2}}", 45.24, "Pa",
                      "Wing Weight Coefficent 2")
CDA0 = Variable("(CDA0)", 0.031, "m^2", "fuselage drag area")
W_0 = Variable("W_0", 4940.0, "N", "aircraft weight excluding wing")

# Free Variables
D = Variable("D", "N", "total drag force")
A = Variable("A", "-", "aspect ratio")
S = Variable("S", "m^2", "total wing area")
V = Variable("V", "m/s", "cruising speed")
W = Variable("W", "N", "total aircraft weight")
Re = Variable("Re", "-", "Reynold's number")
C_D = Variable("C_D", "-", "Drag coefficient of wing")
C_L = Variable("C_L", "-", "Lift coefficent of wing")
C_f = Variable("C_f", "-", "skin friction coefficient")
W_w = Variable("W_w", "N", "wing weight")

C_D_fuse = Variable("C_D_fuse", "-", "Fuselage drag coefficient")
C_D_p    = Variable("C_D_p", "-", "Profile drag coefficient of wing")
C_D_ind  = Variable("C_D_ind", "-", "Induced drag coefficient of wing")

constraints = []

# Drag model
constraints += [C_D_p >= 0.05,
                C_D_fuse == CDA0/S,
                C_D_ind == C_L**2/(pi*A*e),
                C_D >= C_D_fuse + C_D_p + C_D_ind]

# Wing weight model
W_w_strc = W_W_coeff1*(N_ult*A**1.5*(W_0*W*S)**0.5)/tau
W_w_surf = W_W_coeff2 * S
constraints += [W_w >= W_w_surf + W_w_strc]

# and the rest of the models
constraints += [D >= 0.5*rho*S*C_D*V**2,
                Re <= (rho/mu)*V*(S/A)**0.5,
                W <= 0.5*rho*S*C_L*V**2,
                W <= 0.5*rho*S*C_Lmax*V_min**2,
                W >= W_0 + W_w]

class XFOIL():
    def __init__(self):
        # Path to XFOIL program.  Will vary by user.  This is the default Mac install location.
        self.pathname = "/Users/username/Xfoil/bin/./xfoil"

    def cd_model(self, x0, max_iter=100):
        # File XFOIL will save data to
        polarfile = 'polars.txt'

        # Remove any existing file.  Prevents XFOIL Error
        ls_res = subprocess.check_output(["ls -a"], shell = True)
        ls = ls_res.split()
        if polarfile in ls_res:
  "rm " + polarfile, shell = True)

        # Open XFOIL and run case
        proc = subprocess.Popen([self.pathname], 
                                         stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE)
        proc.stdin.write('naca2412 \n' + 
                         'oper \n' +
                         "iter %d\n" %(max_iter)+
                         'visc \n' +
                         "%.0f \n" %(x0["Re"]) +
                         'pacc \n' +
                         '\n' +
                         '\n' +
                         "cl %.0f \n" %(x0["C_L"]) +
                         'pwrt \n' +
                         polarfile +
                         '\n' +
        stdout_val = proc.communicate()[0]

        # Read data from XFOIL output
        data = np.genfromtxt(polarfile, skip_header=12)
        CD_star = data[2]

        # Return constraint
        return ConstraintSet([C_D_p >= CD_star])

class SimpleCDModel(ConstraintSet):
    def as_posyslt1(self):
        raise ValueError("SimpleCDModel is not allowed to solve as a GP.")

    # Returns constraint list with appended XFOIL constraint as a gp constraint set
    def as_gpconstr(self, x0):
        if x0:
            self[0] = xfoil.cd_model(x0)
        return super(SimpleCDModel, self).as_gpconstr(x0)

constraints = SimpleCDModel(constraints)

m = Model(D, constraints)
sol = m.localsolve('cvxopt', verbosity=1)

 326.2 [N] 

Free Variables
       A : 8.762            aspect ratio                    
     C_D : 0.02488          Drag coefficient of wing        
C_D_fuse : 0.001851         Fuselage drag coefficient       
 C_D_ind : 0.01244          Induced drag coefficient of wing
   C_D_p : 0.01059          Profile drag coefficient of wing
     C_L : 0.5704           Lift coefficent of wing         
       D : 326.2     [N]    total drag force                
      Re : 1.1e+06          Reynold's number                
       S : 16.75     [m**2] total wing area                 
       V : 35.68     [m/s]  cruising speed                  
       W : 7477      [N]    total aircraft weight           
     W_w : 2537      [N]    wing weight                     

        (CDA0) : 0.031     [m**2]    fuselage drag area              
     C_{L,max} : 1.5                 max CL with flaps down          
       N_{ult} : 3.8                 ultimate load factor            
       V_{min} : 22        [m/s]     takeoff speed                   
           W_0 : 4940      [N]       aircraft weight excluding wing  
W_{W_{coeff1}} : 8.71e-05  [1/m]     Wing Weight Coefficent 1        
W_{W_{coeff2}} : 45.24     [Pa]      Wing Weight Coefficent 2        
           \mu : 1.78e-05  [kg/m/s]  viscosity of air                
           \pi : 3.142               half of the circle constant     
          \rho : 1.23      [kg/m**3] density of air                  
          \tau : 0.12                airfoil thickness to chord ratio
             e : 0.95                Oswald efficiency factor        

           W_0 : 1.092   aircraft weight excluding wing  
W_{W_{coeff1}} : 0.3333  Wing Weight Coefficent 1        
       N_{ult} : 0.3333  ultimate load factor            
W_{W_{coeff2}} : 0.1419  Wing Weight Coefficent 2        
        (CDA0) : 0.0744  fuselage drag area              
     C_{L,max} : -0.2342 max CL with flaps down          
          \rho : -0.2342 density of air                  
          \tau : -0.3333 airfoil thickness to chord ratio
       V_{min} : -0.4684 takeoff speed                   
             e : -0.5    Oswald efficiency factor        
           \pi : -0.5    half of the circle constant 

any issues or suggested improvements?

codykarcher commented 8 years ago

Another option returning a posynomial drag polar instead of a constant. Note, this one takes about twice as many iterations to converge:

import numpy as np
from gpkit import Variable, Model
from gpkit.constraints.set import ConstraintSet
import subprocess
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Constants
k = Variable("k", 1.2, "-", "form factor")
e = Variable("e", 0.95, "-", "Oswald efficiency factor")
mu = Variable("\\mu", 1.78e-5, "kg/m/s", "viscosity of air")
pi = Variable("\\pi", np.pi, "-", "half of the circle constant")
rho = Variable("\\rho", 1.23, "kg/m^3", "density of air")
tau = Variable("\\tau", 0.12, "-", "airfoil thickness to chord ratio")
N_ult = Variable("N_{ult}", 3.8, "-", "ultimate load factor")
V_min = Variable("V_{min}", 22, "m/s", "takeoff speed")
C_Lmax = Variable("C_{L,max}", 1.5, "-", "max CL with flaps down")
S_wetratio = Variable("(\\frac{S}{S_{wet}})", 2.05, "-", "wetted area ratio")
W_W_coeff1 = Variable("W_{W_{coeff1}}", 8.71e-5, "1/m",
                      "Wing Weight Coefficent 1")
W_W_coeff2 = Variable("W_{W_{coeff2}}", 45.24, "Pa",
                      "Wing Weight Coefficent 2")
CDA0 = Variable("(CDA0)", 0.031, "m^2", "fuselage drag area")
W_0 = Variable("W_0", 4940.0, "N", "aircraft weight excluding wing")

# Free Variables
D = Variable("D", "N", "total drag force")
A = Variable("A", "-", "aspect ratio")
S = Variable("S", "m^2", "total wing area")
V = Variable("V", "m/s", "cruising speed")
W = Variable("W", "N", "total aircraft weight")
Re = Variable("Re", "-", "Reynold's number")
C_D = Variable("C_D", "-", "Drag coefficient of wing")
C_L = Variable("C_L", "-", "Lift coefficent of wing")
C_f = Variable("C_f", "-", "skin friction coefficient")
W_w = Variable("W_w", "N", "wing weight")

C_D_fuse = Variable("C_D_fuse", "-", "Fuselage drag coefficient")
C_D_p    = Variable("C_D_p", "-", "Profile drag coefficient of wing")
C_D_ind  = Variable("C_D_ind", "-", "Induced drag coefficient of wing")

constraints = []

# Drag model
constraints += [C_D_p >= 0.05,
                C_D_fuse == CDA0/S,
                C_D_ind == C_L**2/(pi*A*e),
                C_D >= C_D_fuse + C_D_p + C_D_ind]

# Wing weight model
W_w_strc = W_W_coeff1*(N_ult*A**1.5*(W_0*W*S)**0.5)/tau
W_w_surf = W_W_coeff2 * S
constraints += [W_w >= W_w_surf + W_w_strc]

# and the rest of the models
constraints += [D >= 0.5*rho*S*C_D*V**2,
                Re <= (rho/mu)*V*(S/A)**0.5,
                W <= 0.5*rho*S*C_L*V**2,
                W <= 0.5*rho*S*C_Lmax*V_min**2,
                W >= W_0 + W_w]

class XFOIL():
    def __init__(self):
        self.pathname = "/Users/codykarcher/Xfoil/bin/./xfoil"

    def cd_model(self, x0, max_iter=100):
        # File XFOIL will save data to
        polarfile = 'polars.txt'

        # Remove any existing file.  Prevents XFOIL Error
        ls_res = subprocess.check_output(["ls -a"], shell = True)
        ls = ls_res.split()
        if polarfile in ls_res:
  "rm " + polarfile, shell = True)

        # Open XFOIL and run case
        proc = subprocess.Popen([self.pathname], 
                                         stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE)
        proc.stdin.write('naca2412 \n' + 
                         'oper \n' +
                         "iter %d\n" %(max_iter)+
                         'visc \n' +
                         "%.0f \n" %(x0["Re"]) +
                         'pacc \n' +
                         '\n' +
                         '\n' +
                         "cl 0\n" +
                         "cl %.3f \n" %(0.5*x0["C_L"]) +
                         "cl %.3f \n" %(x0["C_L"]) +
                         'pwrt \n' +
                         polarfile +
                         '\n' +
        stdout_val = proc.communicate()[0]

        # Read data from XFOIL output
        data = np.genfromtxt(polarfile, skip_header=12)
        data2 = data[data[:, 0].argsort()]

        alpha   = data2[:, 0]
        cl      = data2[:, 1]
        cd      = data2[:, 2]
        cdp     = data2[:, 3]
        cm      = data2[:, 4]
        xtr_top = data2[:, 5]
        xtr_bot = data2[:, 6]

        # Calculate coefficients for Drag polar
        CD_0 = cd[0]
        K = cd[-1]/cl[-1]**2

        # Return constraint
        return ConstraintSet([C_D_p >= CD_0 + K*C_L])

class SimpleCDModel(ConstraintSet):
    def as_posyslt1(self):
        raise ValueError("SimpleCDModel is not allowed to solve as a GP.")

    # Returns constraint list with appended XFOIL constraint as a gp constraint set
    def as_gpconstr(self, x0):
        if x0:
            self[0] = xfoil.cd_model(x0)
        return super(SimpleCDModel, self).as_gpconstr(x0)

constraints = SimpleCDModel(constraints)

m = Model(D, constraints)
sol = m.localsolve('cvxopt', verbosity=1)
 490.4 [N] 

Free Variables
       A : 6.467             aspect ratio                    
     C_D : 0.02994           Drag coefficient of wing        
C_D_fuse : 0.002095          Fuselage drag coefficient       
 C_D_ind : 0.008425          Induced drag coefficient of wing
   C_D_p : 0.01941           Profile drag coefficient of wing
     C_L : 0.4032            Lift coefficent of wing         
       D : 490.4      [N]    total drag force                
      Re : 1.423e+06         Reynold's number                
       S : 14.8       [m**2] total wing area                 
       V : 42.43      [m/s]  cruising speed                  
       W : 6606       [N]    total aircraft weight           
     W_w : 1666       [N]    wing weight                     

        (CDA0) : 0.031     [m**2]    fuselage drag area              
     C_{L,max} : 1.5                 max CL with flaps down          
       N_{ult} : 3.8                 ultimate load factor            
       V_{min} : 22        [m/s]     takeoff speed                   
           W_0 : 4940      [N]       aircraft weight excluding wing  
W_{W_{coeff1}} : 8.71e-05  [1/m]     Wing Weight Coefficent 1        
W_{W_{coeff2}} : 45.24     [Pa]      Wing Weight Coefficent 2        
           \mu : 1.78e-05  [kg/m/s]  viscosity of air                
           \pi : 3.142               half of the circle constant     
          \rho : 1.23      [kg/m**3] density of air                  
          \tau : 0.12                airfoil thickness to chord ratio
             e : 0.95                Oswald efficiency factor        

           W_0 : 1.024   aircraft weight excluding wing  
W_{W_{coeff1}} : 0.1876  Wing Weight Coefficent 1        
       N_{ult} : 0.1876  ultimate load factor            
W_{W_{coeff2}} : 0.126   Wing Weight Coefficent 2        
        (CDA0) : 0.06999 fuselage drag area              
     C_{L,max} : -0.1498 max CL with flaps down          
          \rho : -0.1498 density of air                  
          \tau : -0.1876 airfoil thickness to chord ratio
             e : -0.2814 Oswald efficiency factor        
           \pi : -0.2814 half of the circle constant     
       V_{min} : -0.2997 takeoff speed     

I'm also rather surprised that the two results are so different (~40%).

bqpd commented 8 years ago

And produces a very different plane! Do you think this later plane is more realistic? On Mar 31, 2016 1:51 PM, "cjk12" wrote:

Another option returning a posynomial drag polar instead of a constant. Note, this one takes about twice as many iterations to converge:

import numpy as npfrom gpkit import Variable, Modelfrom gpkit.constraints.set import ConstraintSetimport subprocessimport matplotlib.pyplot as plt


k = Variable("k", 1.2, "-", "form factor") e = Variable("e", 0.95, "-", "Oswald efficiency factor") mu = Variable("\mu", 1.78e-5, "kg/m/s", "viscosity of air") pi = Variable("\pi", np.pi, "-", "half of the circle constant") rho = Variable("\rho", 1.23, "kg/m^3", "density of air") tau = Variable("\tau", 0.12, "-", "airfoil thickness to chord ratio")Nult = Variable("N{ult}", 3.8, "-", "ultimate load factor")Vmin = Variable("V{min}", 22, "m/s", "takeoff speed")CLmax = Variable("C{L,max}", 1.5, "-", "max CL with flaps down")Swetratio = Variable("(\frac{S}{S{wet}})", 2.05, "-", "wetted area ratio")W_Wcoeff1 = Variable("W{W_{coeff1}}", 8.71e-5, "1/m", "Wing Weight Coefficent 1")W_Wcoeff2 = Variable("W{W_{coeff2}}", 45.24, "Pa", "Wing Weight Coefficent 2")CDA0 = Variable("(CDA0)", 0.031, "m^2", "fuselage drag area")W_0 = Variable("W_0", 4940.0, "N", "aircraft weight excluding wing")

Free VariablesD = Variable("D", "N", "total drag force")A = Variable("A", "-", "aspect ratio")S = Variable("S", "m^2", "total wing area")V = Variable("V", "m/s", "cruising speed")W = Variable("W", "N", "total aircraft weight")

Re = Variable("Re", "-", "Reynold's number")C_D = Variable("C_D", "-", "Drag coefficient of wing")C_L = Variable("C_L", "-", "Lift coefficent of wing")C_f = Variable("C_f", "-", "skin friction coefficient")W_w = Variable("W_w", "N", "wing weight") C_D_fuse = Variable("C_D_fuse", "-", "Fuselage drag coefficient")C_D_p = Variable("C_D_p", "-", "Profile drag coefficient of wing")C_D_ind = Variable("C_D_ind", "-", "Induced drag coefficient of wing")

constraints = []

Drag model

constraints += [C_D_p >= 0.05, C_D_fuse == CDA0/S, C_D_ind == C_L_2/(pi_Ae), C_D >= C_D_fuse + C_D_p + C_D_ind]

Wing weight modelW_w_strc = W_Wcoeff1(N_ultA**1.5(W_0_W*S)*0.5)/tauW_w_surf = W_W_coeff2 \ S

constraints += [W_w >= W_w_surf + W_w_strc]

and the rest of the models

constraints += [D >= 0.5_rho_S_C_D_V2, Re <= (rho/mu)V(S/A)0.5, W <= 0.5_rho_S_C_L_V2, W <= 0.5_rho_S_C_Lmax_V_min2, W >= W_0 + W_w] class XFOIL(): def init(self): self.pathname = "/Users/codykarcher/Xfoil/bin/./xfoil"

def cd_model(self, x0, max_iter=100):
    # File XFOIL will save data to
    polarfile = 'polars.txt'

    # Remove any existing file.  Prevents XFOIL Error
    ls_res = subprocess.check_output(["ls -a"], shell = True)
    ls = ls_res.split()
    if polarfile in ls_res:"rm " + polarfile, shell = True)

    # Open XFOIL and run case
    proc = subprocess.Popen([self.pathname],
                                     stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE)
    proc.stdin.write('naca2412 \n' +
                     'oper \n' +
                     "iter %d\n" %(max_iter)+
                     'visc \n' +
                     "%.0f \n" %(x0["Re"]) +
                     'pacc \n' +
                     '\n' +
                     '\n' +
                     "cl 0\n" +
                     "cl %.3f \n" %(0.5*x0["C_L"]) +
                     "cl %.3f \n" %(x0["C_L"]) +
                     'pwrt \n' +
                     polarfile +
                     '\n' +
    stdout_val = proc.communicate()[0]

    # Read data from XFOIL output
    data = np.genfromtxt(polarfile, skip_header=12)
    data2 = data[data[:, 0].argsort()]

    alpha   = data2[:, 0]
    cl      = data2[:, 1]
    cd      = data2[:, 2]
    cdp     = data2[:, 3]
    cm      = data2[:, 4]
    xtr_top = data2[:, 5]
    xtr_bot = data2[:, 6]

    # Calculate coefficients for Drag polar
    CD_0 = cd[0]
    K = cd[-1]/cl[-1]**2

    # Return constraint
    return ConstraintSet([C_D_p >= CD_0 + K*C_L])

class SimpleCDModel(ConstraintSet): def as_posyslt1(self): raise ValueError("SimpleCDModel is not allowed to solve as a GP.")

# Returns constraint list with appended XFOIL constraint as a gp constraint set
def as_gpconstr(self, x0):
    if x0:
        self[0] = xfoil.cd_model(x0)
    return super(SimpleCDModel, self).as_gpconstr(x0)

constraints = SimpleCDModel(constraints)

m = Model(D, constraints) sol = m.localsolve('cvxopt', verbosity=1)


490.4 [N]

Free Variables

   A : 6.467             aspect ratio
 C_D : 0.02994           Drag coefficient of wing

C_D_fuse : 0.002095 Fuselage drag coefficient C_D_ind : 0.008425 Induced drag coefficient of wing C_D_p : 0.01941 Profile drag coefficient of wing C_L : 0.4032 Lift coefficent of wing D : 490.4 [N] total drag force Re : 1.423e+06 Reynold's number S : 14.8 [m**2] total wing area V : 42.43 [m/s] cruising speed W : 6606 [N] total aircraft weight W_w : 1666 [N] wing weight


    (CDA0) : 0.031     [m**2]    fuselage drag area
 C_{L,max} : 1.5                 max CL with flaps down
   N_{ult} : 3.8                 ultimate load factor
   V_{min} : 22        [m/s]     takeoff speed
       W_0 : 4940      [N]       aircraft weight excluding wing

W{W{coeff1}} : 8.71e-05 [1/m] Wing Weight Coefficent 1 W{W{coeff2}} : 45.24 [Pa] Wing Weight Coefficent 2 \mu : 1.78e-05 [kg/m/s] viscosity of air \pi : 3.142 half of the circle constant \rho : 1.23 [kg/m**3] density of air \tau : 0.12 airfoil thickness to chord ratio e : 0.95 Oswald efficiency factor


       W_0 : 1.024   aircraft weight excluding wing

W{W{coeff1}} : 0.1876 Wing Weight Coefficent 1 N{ult} : 0.1876 ultimate load factor W{W{coeff2}} : 0.126 Wing Weight Coefficent 2 (CDA0) : 0.06999 fuselage drag area C{L,max} : -0.1498 max CL with flaps down \rho : -0.1498 density of air \tau : -0.1876 airfoil thickness to chord ratio e : -0.2814 Oswald efficiency factor \pi : -0.2814 half of the circle constant V_{min} : -0.2997 takeoff speed

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whoburg commented 8 years ago

hmm, I'm not convinced by the method used to generate the constraint [C_D_p >= CD_0 + K*C_L] in the second example. That seems potentially unstable and potentially inaccurate to me.

bqpd commented 8 years ago

Should we add just the simpler example to the docs?

whoburg commented 8 years ago


codykarcher commented 8 years ago

The constraint [C_D_p >= CD_0 + K*C_L] should actually read [C_D_p >= CD_0 + K*C_L**2] as pointed out by @whoburg. This is also the source of the discrepancy in the results. Simpler example sounds good.

whoburg commented 8 years ago

is this closed by #687?

bqpd commented 8 years ago

@cjk12, you opened the issue, what's your opinion?

codykarcher commented 8 years ago

Yea, we're probably good here. Doing anything higher fidelity probably has its place in gpkit-models or another repo.