conveyal / r5

Developed to power Conveyal's web-based interface for scenario planning and land-use/transport accessibility analysis, R5 is our routing engine for multimodal (transit/bike/walk/car) networks with a particular focus on public transit
MIT License
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Human-readable names for destination layers in CSV output #929

Open ansoncfit opened 5 months ago

ansoncfit commented 5 months ago

We have recently discussed making human-readable names (as opposed to our UUIDs) available in CSV outputs (see #909, #920). For these outputs, routing workers write complete rows as strings, which the broker then writes directly to CSVs in assemblers without further inspection/processing.

Workers have GTFS information readily available, so we can add route/stop names to the CSVs with the current design.

Workers do not have information about destination layers readily available other than the UUID. Names corresponding to these IDs are in the database, to which the workers are not connected. To write the names, we could:

In the meantime, we should make add buttons to download the mappings from our IDs to names (for bundles and opportunity datasets) so users can more easily swap out the IDs for names themselves.

abyrd commented 3 weeks ago

Discussing the first bullet point above: scenario.json is already a moment-in-time snapshot of some data from the database, but it's not per-regional-analysis (could be reused by many analyses). So it can't contain the id-to-destination map, which could be different for each regional analysis run.