convox / praxis

Convox Praxis: A framework for modern application infrastructure.
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cx install borked, stuck without a local rack and can't get out of it #214

Open jayjanssen opened 7 years ago

jayjanssen commented 7 years ago

jayj@~ [575]$ cx rack Get https://localhost:5443/system?: dial tcp [::1]:5443: getsockopt: connection refused jayj@~ [577]$ sudo cx rack uninstall local sudo cx rack uninstall local removing: /Library/LaunchDaemons/convox.frontend.plist removing: /Library/LaunchDaemons/convox.rack.plist jayj@~ [578]$ sudo rm /var/convox/rack.db jayj@~ [581]$ sudo rm -rf .convox jayj@~ [584]$ cx update updating cli to 20170606095110: OK jayj@~ [585]$ sudo cx rack install local installing: /Library/LaunchDaemons/convox.frontend.plist installing: /Library/LaunchDaemons/convox.rack.plist

jayj@~ [595]$ ps | grep cx 3435 ?? Ss 0:00.04 /usr/local/bin/cx rack frontend 3850 s000 S+ 0:00.00 grep cx

jayj@~ [592]$ cx rack start Unable to find image 'convox/praxis: 20170605204730' locally docker: Error response from daemon: manifest for convox/praxis:20170605204730 not found. See 'docker run --help'. exit status 125

It acts like the cx rack start is failing because it wants convox/praxis:20170605204730, but I can't figure out where it gets that from.

jayjanssen commented 7 years ago


rm /Users/Shared/convox/version
cx rack update

fixed it. Leaving this open in case you want to build something into the code to auto-handle this kind of situation.