coobird / thumbnailator

Thumbnailator - a thumbnail generation library for Java
MIT License
5.14k stars 784 forks source link

hey,when do you will refactor the core logic to support big pic? #166

Closed LoveUpe closed 3 years ago

LoveUpe commented 3 years ago

Expected behavior

Please describe what you are expecting the library to perform. at 0.4.8 version, you say u need some time to resfactor project to support big file. i wanna to know ,how long?:)

Actual behavior

Please describe the actual behavior you are experiencing, including stack trace and other information which would help diagnose the issue.

Steps to reproduce the behavior

Please enter step-by-step instructions for reproducing the actual behavior. Including code can be helpful in diagnosing issue, but please keep the code to a minimal that will reproduce the behavior.


Please provide vendor and version information for the Operating System, JDK, and Thumbnailator. Please feel free to add any other information which may be pertinent.

coobird commented 3 years ago

Given I have a limited amount of time, fixing known bugs are given the highest priority. Rearchitecting to support large image files more effectively is lower in the list of priorities.