coobird / thumbnailator

Thumbnailator - a thumbnail generation library for Java
MIT License
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Compressed picture speed #183

Closed AdmireWhite closed 1 year ago

AdmireWhite commented 2 years ago

It takes me 5 seconds to compress a 3M image quality set to 0.2F zoom in 1f, is this speed normal?

coobird commented 2 years ago

Without a code snippet, it's a bit difficult to understand how you're using Thumbnailator, but I'm going to assume you're using .scale(1f) and outputQuality(0.2f). Without a image format, I'm just going to assume JPEG.

Since I don't have enough information about you're using Thumbnailator (like image format, image dimensions, etc.), I cannot give Thumbnailator-specific tips, but as a general tip on what affects image compression speeds, here are a few:

Other Java-specific possibilities are, running the program with an insufficient heap size can lead to more garbage collection which can cause longer processing times -- this can be a common problem on Java in general.

Bottom line is, without a bit more information about the source image and the execution environment, it's hard to track down what may be the issue.

AdmireWhite commented 2 years ago

code: Thumbnails.of(file).scale(1f).outputQuality(0.2f).toFile(file);

AdmireWhite commented 2 years ago

Hello, I have tried many pictures, but the speed is quite slow, which does not meet my expectation. I would like to ask, have you made statistics on the speed of compression? What would the result look like?

coobird commented 2 years ago

You've yet to mention information about your source files. It's hard to give more specific advice without that information. Everything depends on the conditions on which the software is running in.

Note that Thumbnailator is just a wrapper around Java's Graphics2D and Image I/O facilities. The compression speeds completely depend on the Image I/O codecs used which Thumbnailator has no control over.

Also note, the point of Thumbnailator is to create thumbnails, which you're not doing by using scale(1f) -- if you need a generic image conversion tool, you'll probably be better off to just use the and ImageIO.write facilities directly -- that said, as mentioned in the previous paragraph, if the compression speeds are truly the issue, you'll experience similar problems.

coobird commented 2 years ago

By the way, have you checked the garbage collection activity on your program? Slow Java programs can be a result of large amount of GC, which can be a result of a insufficient heap. The worst case memory usage under .scale(1f) is like this:

sourceImageSize + destinationImageSize + temporaryImageSize

where each image size is calculated by 4 * imageWidth * imageHeight bytes. For a typical 10 megapixel image (3648 x 2736), the single image requires approximately 40 MB of memory, just for that raw image, not counting any other heap allocations. Then, that number is multiplied by 3 for the worst case using Thumbnailator under .scale(1f), so at least a 120 MB heap is required for that single image resize. (Edit: Looking at the code, it seems like this case would be 2x, so 80MB.)

Therefore, to really know what your speed issues are, you'll need to check what your JVM heap parameters are, along with what kind of source images you're working with.

coobird commented 1 year ago

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