coobird / thumbnailator

Thumbnailator - a thumbnail generation library for Java
MIT License
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Some picture was collapsed without type of image file #92

Closed A-Kurimoto closed 6 years ago

A-Kurimoto commented 8 years ago

I have encountered the bug that some JPG picture was collapsed when I execute rotate(angle). How about of using the default image type?

Nadahar commented 7 years ago

I just found the same bug independently. I have a JPEG image already stores as a BufferedImage - it has a ComponentColorModel with 3 components. All I want to do in this step is to rotate it according to Exif rotation, so I apply the rotate filter and want it back as a BufferedImage for further processing. But, this process returns a BufferedImage with a DirectColorModel with 4 components. This causes problems further down the line. The source BufferedImage is of type 5, while what is returned is of type 2. This can't be intentional?

Thanks a lot for a great lib, but it seems like I'll have to do the rotation "myself". I guess I can write a custom filter and use that.

This should be very easy to reproduce, what I do is very simple:

    bufferedImage = Thumbnails.of(bufferedImage)

net.coobird.thumbnailator.filters.Flip has the same problem.

Nadahar commented 6 years ago

@coobird Is this library dead?

coobird commented 6 years ago

@Nadahar, I haven't had much time to work on Thumbnailator for a quite while. In the past couple weeks, I have been preparing a new release with some bug fixes, which I hope to get out soon. (Trying to make an environment to verify that Thumbnailator acts properly with different JREs proved to be more painful than initially thought.)

I'll create a new issue of the bug you encountered so that I can keep track of it. (The BufferedImage type thing turned out to be a mess in certain situations, so I'm thinking of changing how that works in a future redesign of Thumbnailator.)

Nadahar commented 6 years ago

@coobird That's good to hear. It's a nice library that makes working with ImageIO easier. I "solved" this issue by overriding the classes in the meanwhile, but it's obviously a less than ideal solution.