cookiecutter / cookiecutter-django

Cookiecutter Django is a framework for jumpstarting production-ready Django projects quickly.
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Convenient script for rapid development #3318

Open raiaman15 opened 2 years ago

raiaman15 commented 2 years ago


This ticket is a suggestion (since I personally follow and I have seen in some non-Django based projects.

While working on some projects, using Django cookie-cutter, I had to refer to the cookie-cutter documentation for a number of commands (especially when working with docker). Hence I suggest a convenient script to cover all major functionalities with intuitive command names (example: python showmigrations => ./app showmigrations) and then the end-user can further extend this as needed.


This could assist the developer in rapid development. Not only they would have the short commands (easy to remember) but also they can extend it further by clubbing 2 or more commands together. Example, taking database backup and uploading to AWS:

Initially we have 3 commands:

docker-compose -f local.yml exec postgres backup
docker cp "$(docker-compose -f local.yml ps -q postgres)":/backups ./backups
docker-compose -f production.yml run --rm awscli upload

Code in our convenience script:

backup_db() {
  docker-compose -f local.yml exec postgres backup
  docker cp "$(docker-compose -f local.yml ps -q postgres)":/backups ./backups

upload_backup_db_s3() {
  docker-compose -f production.yml run --rm awscli upload

End-user would get simpler commands:

./app backup_db
./app upload_backup_bd_s3
foarsitter commented 2 years ago

Your suggestion sounds like #1879, is that correct?

raiaman15 commented 2 years ago

@foarsitter Correct, the only difference is I am using shell scripts instead of makefiles. Since many of us use some such scripts, the suggestion is to let the core developers finalize it.

For example, for a new project, I generally start with something like this:


# Arguments
c1=$1  # Environment
c2=$2  # Command
c3=$3  # Command argument (optional)

# Help command
help() {
  echo "Usage: <environment> <command> [<command argument>]"
  echo "environment:"
  echo "* local"
  echo "* production"
  echo ""
  echo "command:"
  echo "* generate_certificates"
  echo "* build"
  echo "* init"
  echo "* up"
  echo "* down"
  echo "* logs"
  echo "* showmigrations"
  echo "* makemigrations"
  echo "* migrate"
  echo "* createsuperuser"
  echo "* backup_db"
  echo "* list_backup_db"
  echo "* restore_db"
  echo "* upload_backup_db_s3"
  echo "* download_backup_db_s3"
  echo "* pycodestyle"
  echo "* flake8"
  echo "* pylint"
  echo "* pytest"
  echo "* coverage"
  echo "* unittest"
  echo "* run_all_checks_and_tests"

# App commands
generate_certificates() {
  if [ "$c1" = "local" ]
    mkdir certs && docker-compose -f "$c1".yml run django openssl req -newkey rsa:4096 -x509 -sha256 -days 3650 -nodes -out certs/ -keyout certs/ -subj "/C=IN/ST=Uttar Pradesh/L=Noida/O=Infroid/OU=IT/" && echo "Certificates generated successfully."
    echo "Operation aborted. Certificates can only be generated for 'local' environment."

build() {
  docker-compose -f "$c1".yml build

init() {
  echo "Do you confirm that the following are installed: docker, docker-compose, git, openssl and pre-commit (y/n)? "
  read -r answer
  if [ "$answer" = "y" ]
    git init
    pre-commit install
    echo "Operation aborted. Please install docker, docker-compose, git, openssl and pre-commit."

up() {
  docker-compose -f "$c1".yml up

down() {
  docker-compose -f "$c1".yml down

logs() {
  docker-compose -f "$c1".yml logs -t

# Django commands
showmigrations() {
  docker-compose -f "$c1".yml run --rm django python showmigrations

makemigrations() {
  docker-compose -f "$c1".yml run --rm django python makemigrations

migrate() {
  docker-compose -f "$c1".yml run --rm django python migrate

createsuperuser() {
  docker-compose -f "$c1".yml run --rm django python createsuperuser

# Postgres commands
backup_db() {
  docker-compose -f local.yml exec postgres backup
  docker cp "$(docker-compose -f local.yml ps -q postgres)":/backups ./backups

list_backup_db() {
  docker-compose -f local.yml exec postgres backups

restore_db() {
  docker-compose -f local.yml exec postgres restore "$c3"

upload_backup_db_s3() {
  docker-compose -f production.yml run --rm awscli upload

download_backup_db_s3() {
  docker-compose -f production.yml run --rm awscli download "$c3"

# Code check commands
pycodestyle() {
  echo "PYCODESTYLE" && docker-compose -f "$c1".yml run --rm django pycodestyle ./ngo_support_core

flake8() {
  echo "FLAKE8" && docker-compose -f "$c1".yml run --rm django flake8

pylint() {
  echo "PYLINT" && docker-compose -f "$c1".yml run --rm django pylint ./ngo_support_core

pytest() {
  docker-compose -f "$c1".yml run --rm django pytest

coverage() {
  docker-compose -f local.yml run --rm django coverage run -m pytest
  docker-compose -f local.yml run --rm django coverage report

unittest() {
  docker-compose -f "$c1".yml run --rm django python test

run_all_checks_and_tests() {
  pycodestyle && echo "pycodestyle - No issue found"
  flake8 && echo "flake8 - No issue found"
  pylint && echo "pylint - No issue found"
  coverage && echo "coverage - No issue found"
  unittest && echo "unittest - No issue found"

case "$c1" in
jgz commented 2 years ago

This is a really good start. I have something I built like this as well but you've got more of the common commands already built out.

Adding the $3 arg on to the end of commands like logs/up/down/etc.. would would fill in some holes as well.

Also a run bash and pythion shell are needed.