cookiecutter / cookiecutter-django

Cookiecutter Django is a framework for jumpstarting production-ready Django projects quickly.
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[Update Django] Django 5.0 #4724

Closed github-actions[bot] closed 1 month ago

github-actions[bot] commented 9 months ago

5.0 requirements tables


Name Version in Master 5.0 Compatible Version OK
python-slugify 8.0.4 n/a
Pillow 10.4.0 n/a
rcssmin 1.1.2 n/a
argon2-cffi 23.1.0 n/a
whitenoise 6.7.0 6.6.0
redis 5.0.7 n/a
hiredis 3.0.0 n/a
celery 5.4.0 n/a
django-celery-beat 2.6.0 2.6.0
flower 2.0.1 n/a
uvicorn 0.30.3 n/a
uvicorn-worker 0.2.0 n/a
django 4.2.14 2.6.0
django-environ 0.11.2
django-model-utils 4.5.1 4.4.0
django-allauth 0.63.6 0.58.2
django-crispy-forms 2.3 2.1
crispy-bootstrap5 2024.2 2023.10
django-compressor 4.5.1 4.5
django-redis 5.4.0
djangorestframework 3.15.2 3.15.0
django-cors-headers 4.4.0 4.3.1
drf-spectacular 0.27.2 0.27.2
django-webpack-loader 3.1.0 3.0.1


Name Version in Master 5.0 Compatible Version OK
Werkzeug 3.0.3 n/a
ipdb 0.13.13 n/a
psycopg 3.2.1 n/a
watchfiles 0.21.0 n/a
mypy 1.10.0 n/a
django-stubs 5.0.2 5.0.0
pytest 8.3.1 n/a
pytest-sugar 1.0.0 n/a
djangorestframework-stubs 3.15.0 n/a
sphinx 7.4.7 n/a
sphinx-autobuild 2024.4.16 n/a
ruff 0.5.4 n/a
coverage 7.6.0 n/a
djlint 1.34.1 n/a
pre-commit 3.7.1 n/a
factory-boy 3.3.0
django-debug-toolbar 4.4.6 4.3.0
django-extensions 3.2.3
django-coverage-plugin 3.1.0
pytest-django 4.8.0 4.7.0


Name Version in Master 5.0 Compatible Version OK
gunicorn 22.0.0 n/a
psycopg 3.2.1 n/a
Collectfasta 3.2.0 3.0.0
sentry-sdk 2.10.0 n/a
hiredis 3.0.0 n/a
django-storages 1.14.4 1.14.3
django-anymail 11.0.1 10.2
foarsitter commented 9 months ago

Django 5.0 will win from Python 3.12 I think #4644

jeffpfoster commented 8 months ago

Per this commit looks like django-storages is ready for 5.0

browniebroke commented 8 months ago

Thanks for the heads up @jeffpfoster. This issue description is updated automatically and the package should turn green when the next version is released. That being said, it seems that no code change was required so it should work with the current version 1.14.2 version.

foarsitter commented 5 months ago

Status thus far:

Support without a release required: django-environ: django-compressor: django-redis: drf-spectacular: factory-boy: django-coverage-plugin: tested against main

Pretty close django-stubs:

Unmaintained: django-extensions: (#4939) Collectfast: (#4938)

browniebroke commented 5 months ago

I'm using django-extensions with Django 5.0 and I haven't encountered any blockers so far. Shouldn't prevent from upgrading...

awhillas commented 4 months ago

I can't see a branch for this?

browniebroke commented 1 month ago

Opened a PR for this, if you're interested in testing it:

From what I can tell, it seems to work on a couple of production deployments. I'll leave it open for a few days if you want to try it out:

cookiecutter gh:browniebroke/cookiecutter-django --checkout upgrade/django-5.0
awhillas commented 3 weeks ago

It worked out I guess?