cooklang / cookcli

Command line program which provides a suite of tools to create shopping lists and maintain recipes.
MIT License
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Please provide CookCLI for Linux arm64 #40

Closed Lonerider2010 closed 1 year ago

Lonerider2010 commented 2 years ago

... as I would like to use it on this platform. Thanks a lot.

Lonerider2010 commented 2 years ago

Can I read your "thumbs up" as a consent? If so, do you have plans when to implement it?

dubadub commented 2 years ago

@Lonerider2010 Yep, I added an experimental arm64 build to the latest release, could you please check if it's working? If yes, I update the release flow.

Lonerider2010 commented 2 years ago

Ok, lets check:

Lonerider2010 commented 2 years ago

So there seem to be problems with shopping-list and server. My environment: OS: Ubuntu 20.10 aarch64 Host: Raspberry Pi 4 Model B Rev 1.4, 8GB Kernel: 5.8.0-1032-raspi

dubadub commented 2 years ago

Thanks for checking @Lonerider2010. It might be related to glibc bug mentioned in and I don't have a solution yet.

dubadub commented 2 years ago

@Lonerider2010 I think I found a workaround and this issue is fixed in v0.1.4.

Lonerider2010 commented 2 years ago

@dubadub, thank you for the new version. As you can see in my checklist above, the shopping-list is ok now and ready for the next shopping ;-) With the server, things are not as well. When I start cook server <dir-path>, I can start the web page on my browser. There I can see the home page, but neither the sub-directories of <dir-path>, nor the .cook files within this structure. Even more, if I try to click around, cook crashes again with the Speicherzugriffsfehler (segmentation fault?). My impression is that cook is able to start the server and show the static parts of the web page, but is not able to fill in the dynamic parts like the sub-directories or a list of the .cook files.

dubadub commented 2 years ago

I don't have disposable Raspberry Pi at hand and use a Docker image with Ubuntu 20.04.4 aarch64 (kernel 5.10.47-linuxkit). I'm not able to reproduce the issue you have. What I did:

cd /tmp
mkdir server-test
cd server-test
cook seed
cook server

After that I can open and navigate without any issues. Could you please try this as well? So we can eliminate any potential issues with recipe files?

Lonerider2010 commented 2 years ago

@dubadub, now I followed your instructions, but with the same result as with my environment. So obviously it does not depend on my recipe files. Just to mention: these files are ok for

My question: is there a kind of debug mode available for CookCLI? Can I produce a debug log that would help you to find the problem and hopefully solve it?

dubadub commented 1 year ago

With migration CLI to Rust and now we have an ARM version as well. One can download binary from the releases.