cookpete / react-player

A React component for playing a variety of URLs, including file paths, YouTube, Facebook, Twitch, SoundCloud, Streamable, Vimeo, Wistia and DailyMotion
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Controlling YouTube video playback is broken #1015

Closed dematerializer closed 3 years ago

dematerializer commented 3 years ago

Current Behavior

Controlling YouTube video playback is broken.

Expected Behavior

YouTube video playback should be controllable.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. go to using Google Chrome 85.0.4183.102
  2. select YouTube Test A
  3. notice video starting automatic playback
  4. click on Pause does not pause the video (no console output)
  5. click on Play again gives console output "ReactPlayer: YouTube player could not call playVideo – The method was not available"
  6. changing the volume gives console output "ReactPlayer: YouTube player could not call setVolume – The method was not available"


Other Information

cookpete commented 3 years ago

Working fine for me on Chrome 85.0.4183.102.

Are you using any extensions or something that might be interfering?


dematerializer commented 3 years ago

This is so strange:

  1. I deactivated all browser extensions.
  2. I experience the problem while being logged into google chrome with my google account
  3. when I switch to the Guest account or incognito mode everything is fine
  4. switching back to my google account makes the problem come back again
  5. then, just by chance, I went to itself, noticing I'm being logged into youtube automatically by the chrome browser
  6. then I went back to your demo page seeing that the problem is gone
  7. trying to reproduce the issue, I log out of google chrome
  8. visiting the demo page brings back the playback problem
  9. logging back in into google chrome and visiting the demo page the problem is still there
  10. briefly visiting and then the demo page makes the problem go away again
  11. full circle
dematerializer commented 3 years ago

I wonder if this might have something to do with the YouTube API, GDPR compliancy and the fact that i live in Germany.

mcapkovic commented 3 years ago

I had the same problem today (no play, pause, seekTo, getCurrentTime...) on chrome 85.0.4183.102 and os x 10.15.6. Chrome "Clear browsing data" fixed the issue in my case.

aaronkchsu commented 3 years ago

Hey, we are getting this too for specific computers, but not for other computers haha. Super weird. But boiled it down to the video loads but onReady is never called! -> We live in the U.S

aaronkchsu commented 3 years ago

Let me know if this helps but same computers different browsers work We've seen controlling events broken for firefox, and chrome

For the cases that are broken we have only seen it happen for youtube and we verify it here to make sure it's not an environment specific problem

aaronkchsu commented 3 years ago

We have also seen incognito sometimes solve the problem on firefox!

cookpete commented 3 years ago

Can someone who experiences this problem confirm if the same thing happens when using the iFrame Player API directly?

In other words – is this something is specifically wrong with ReactPlayer's implementation, or is this actually a problem with the YouTube Player API on certain browsers? If it's the latter then I don't see what can be done in this library.

loolooii commented 2 years ago

This issue is closed, but if someone has this problem (like I did), it was for me that caused it.

karliszarins commented 2 years ago

Btw if someone by chance bumps into this... Seems like something like OneTrust Cookies Consent Notice script is blocking other scripts to execute so if you have something like that in your page then make sure to "consent" and see if you can play the video. Or just remove the cookie consent script and check if that helps. Would have saved an hour of time if I knew this beforehand...