cookpete / react-player

A React component for playing a variety of URLs, including file paths, YouTube, Facebook, Twitch, SoundCloud, Streamable, Vimeo, Wistia and DailyMotion
MIT License
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Wistia videos not loading #1198

Closed dan003400 closed 7 months ago

dan003400 commented 3 years ago

It seems Wistia videos are not working, not seeing any errors, just nothing loads up.

I have tried with the testing url as well:



dan003400 commented 3 years ago

Any updates here?

cookpete commented 3 years ago

Hard to investigate this without more info. Wistia videos work fine for me. Did you see the issue template?


dan003400 commented 3 years ago

Interesting, any reason why dynamically loading the component would cause issues? Seems maybe that prop updates maybe creating an issue that would cause loading to be an issue, possibly a timing issue?

Anything you know of to look out for?

Yasamato commented 3 years ago

Without you sharing any code this is quite hard to comment on, but you may want to have a more in-depth read about react props and lifecycles in general

kash0296 commented 2 years ago

Hi! I'm also facing an issue with loading Wistia videos. I have tried the Reactplayer component with vimeo, mixcloud, youtube, dailymotion and those work fine. I tried twitch as well, and it didn't work. What i noticed is, that in the case of wistia at least, the API calls to wistia were not happening, unlike how it does in the react-player demo. I'm not sure how this could be resolved, what could I try to do from my end to get wistia playback to work? I've tried it on codesandbox and it works fine.

Unfortunately my company's code is closed source, so I am not able to go into too much detail. However, we are using react-player in 2 places in our codebase, one is on our platform, and another is on our product, a chatbot. All the videoplayers work on our platform, but Twitch and Wistia do not, and the only evidence i've found so far is that no API calls are going to wistia.

kash0296 commented 2 years ago

@cookpete hi! I just wanted to follow up back with you. I was wondering if you had any idea why Wistia videos are not playing. If you need any further information, I could try and provide that as well. Thanks!

Umangpatel312 commented 1 year ago

@cookpete Hi, I am facing a similar issue, First time wistia video is not played and shows an empty screen. I tried to troubleshoot from the browser console and found out the root cause of this issue. The issue is when first time wistia player loading will not load wistia SDK due to unknown reasons. I manually load wistia SDK in my component after it will be rendering wistia video.

Billbastos commented 1 year ago

I am using this video as an example: on It seems is concatenating /media twice.

Screen Shot 2023-03-06 at 11 03 32 AM Screen Shot 2023-03-06 at 11 07 33 AM
bennonite commented 11 months ago

@Billbastos and anyone having a similar issue with a double /medias/medias network request - I've found the fix is simply to not include /medias in the url you provide. Building on the above example, instead of using for react player use and it should work.

luwes commented 7 months ago

yes, you have to use the Wistia video page URL. not the iframe embed URL. that should fix it!