cookpete / react-player

A React component for playing a variety of URLs, including file paths, YouTube, Facebook, Twitch, SoundCloud, Streamable, Vimeo, Wistia and DailyMotion
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react-player embedded vimeo url is not working?? #1322

Closed barnwalvijay closed 2 years ago

barnwalvijay commented 2 years ago

Be sure to search for your issue before opening a new one.

Current Behavior

I am using react-player to embed vimeo videos in our application. Previously it was working fine but now it gives below error:

GET 404 (Not Found)

As per above url it shows double url parameter. I dont know it is from vimeo side or package side issue.

Expected Behavior

it should run like This url is working fine with iframe buit not in react-player.

I need react-player because of callback methods.

Other Information

Please help me to resolve this. It is very critical for me as it is breaking in production.

ashveen commented 2 years ago

I had to replace{video_id} with{video_id} as per Vimeo url scheme here:

The video is: A regular Vimeo video |{video_id} In a showcase |{album_id}/video/{video_id} On a channel |{channel_id}/{video_id} In a group |{group_id}/videos/{video_id} An On Demand video |{ondemand_id}/{video_id}

ghost commented 2 years ago

Having the same exact issue on our end as well for private videos, accessing from authorized domains. Getting a 404. Problem persists event after changing the url from to I would love to hear if anyone has found a solution!

devinajimine commented 2 years ago

Same problem here player.vimeo videos are getting a 404.

hellouplift commented 2 years ago

Having the same issue, not sure if it is react-player or Vimeo? Any updates will be much appreciated!

rafafscardoso commented 2 years ago

Same issue here, getting 404 acessing from authorized domain. Did anyone find a solution?

NiviAppno commented 2 years ago

We are getting the same issue since yesterday, with no changes made to code or vimeo settings

marcelo-amorim-mobrj commented 2 years ago

Same problem here. Anyone can help ? I'm revisited all the configurations and domains allowed to embed the video... nothing!! The player receives 404.

jcaffrey commented 2 years ago

@cookpete any guidance here would be much appreciated!

devinajimine commented 2 years ago

I had this problem 4 days ago, and I found out that Vimeo just rolled out a unique hash within the embed URL parameters for security purposes I guess. For example, previously it was but now it is

specifically -> ?h=abcefghi&

If you go to your video -> embed -> the h=... is now in the URL. If you don't have the hash you will get the 404 not found error.

The unfortunate part is I had to change all of my URLs manually, and I couldn't find an automated way to convert all of my URLs quickly as the hash is unique for each video. Maybe someone else has a better idea of how to automate?

I hope that helps for folks, not the ideal solution, but it is a solution.

cookpete commented 2 years ago

Looks like a temporary bug with Vimeo’s player.js library. The original URL that wasn't working seems to be ok now.
