cookpete / react-player

A React component for playing a variety of URLs, including file paths, YouTube, Facebook, Twitch, SoundCloud, Streamable, Vimeo, Wistia and DailyMotion
MIT License
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Display Advertisement (Ads) #1594

Closed jake1271 closed 1 month ago

jake1271 commented 1 year ago

Hi, how can you configure the player to show the standard advertising that plays for the videos? I'm trying to build a player with custom controls and would like the ads to play as usual.

I've tried using config values like this:

config: {
  youtube: {
    playerVars: {
      iv_load_policy: 3, // hide annotations
      disablekb: 1, // disable keyboard controls
      playsinline: 1, // play inline on mobile devices
      enablejsapi: 1 // allow player to interact with JS code

But nothing seems to work, the ads are always blocked. I've turned off all ad blocking extensions in the browser too. Any suggestions or hints would be greatly appreciated!

cookpete commented 1 year ago

Can you provide a specific example (example code or a codepen) and the browser you are using?

jake1271 commented 1 year ago

Used it on Chrome Version 111.0.5563.64 (Official Build) (x86_64), along with Safari, and Brave.

Yes, here is the codepen:

I've also tried adding the "enablejsapi=1" as a query param, but no effect. Basically, I can't get the interrupting pre-roll or inbetween kind of ads to show, where the viewer can hit the "skip" button on the lower right.

I also noticed the same behavior on your online demo ( ), but wasn't sure if it was due to how recent it was.

cookpete commented 1 year ago

I’ve looked more at this and I cannot figure it out. My initial thought was that the creator of the video has turned off ads for embedded videos, but this doesn’t look possible:

If you don't want to show ads on your embedded videos, there's no way to turn off ads directly on embedded videos only. You may turn off embedding altogether.

I also thought it might be related to rel being set to 0 but setting to 1 makes no difference.