coolbutuseless / ggrgl

3d extension to ggplot
MIT License
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Text size #8

Open jfmoyen opened 9 months ago

jfmoyen commented 9 months ago

If I'm not mistaken, geom_text_z() does not honour the size aesthetics. I'm not too good at parsing ggplot geom's code, but it seems to me that draw_panel for GeomTextZ does not use the size arrgument (nor ... as far as I can see). Line 125, I think:

text3d_rgl_calls <- lapply(seq(nrow(data)), function(i) { cryogenic::capture_call( rgl_text_helper( str = lab[i], x = data$x[i], y = data$y[i], z = data$z[i], rot = 0, state = NULL, manual = TRUE, colour = data$colour[i], orientation = orientation ), defaults = material ) })

Shouldn't the rgl_text_helper take something like size = data$size[i] ?

Thanks (and congrats for a cool job, and very usable too !)