coolbutuseless / zstdlite

Fast, configurable in-memory compression of R objects with zstd
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Faster dictionary use during compression: #13

Closed coolbutuseless closed 7 months ago

coolbutuseless commented 7 months ago

See ZSTD_c_enableDedicatedDictSearch in zstd.h

Key question to answer first: What is the default ZSTD_strategy being used by zstdlite

/* Controls whether the new and experimental "dedicated dictionary search
 * structure" can be used. This feature is still rough around the edges, be
 * prepared for surprising behavior!
 * How to use it:
 * When using a CDict, whether to use this feature or not is controlled at
 * CDict creation, and it must be set in a CCtxParams set passed into that
 * construction (via ZSTD_createCDict_advanced2()). A compression will then
 * use the feature or not based on how the CDict was constructed; the value of
 * this param, set in the CCtx, will have no effect.
 * However, when a dictionary buffer is passed into a CCtx, such as via
 * ZSTD_CCtx_loadDictionary(), this param can be set on the CCtx to control
 * whether the CDict that is created internally can use the feature or not.
 * What it does:
 * Normally, the internal data structures of the CDict are analogous to what
 * would be stored in a CCtx after compressing the contents of a dictionary.
 * To an approximation, a compression using a dictionary can then use those
 * data structures to simply continue what is effectively a streaming
 * compression where the simulated compression of the dictionary left off.
 * Which is to say, the search structures in the CDict are normally the same
 * format as in the CCtx.
 * It is possible to do better, since the CDict is not like a CCtx: the search
 * structures are written once during CDict creation, and then are only read
 * after that, while the search structures in the CCtx are both read and
 * written as the compression goes along. This means we can choose a search
 * structure for the dictionary that is read-optimized.
 * This feature enables the use of that different structure.
 * Note that some of the members of the ZSTD_compressionParameters struct have
 * different semantics and constraints in the dedicated search structure. It is
 * highly recommended that you simply set a compression level in the CCtxParams
 * you pass into the CDict creation call, and avoid messing with the cParams
 * directly.
 * Effects:
 * This will only have any effect when the selected ZSTD_strategy
 * implementation supports this feature. Currently, that's limited to
 * ZSTD_greedy, ZSTD_lazy, and ZSTD_lazy2.
 * Note that this means that the CDict tables can no longer be copied into the
 * CCtx, so the dict attachment mode ZSTD_dictForceCopy will no longer be
 * usable. The dictionary can only be attached or reloaded.
 * In general, you should expect compression to be faster--sometimes very much
 * so--and CDict creation to be slightly slower. Eventually, we will probably
 * make this mode the default.
coolbutuseless commented 7 months ago

No significant effect with this flag. Closing.