coolchip / node-red-contrib-luxtronik2

Node-RED node, that reads heat pumps based on the Luxtronik 2.0 contol unit. Supports for example Alpha Innotec and Siemens Novelan (WRP NET).
MIT License
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Not able to update: payload.parameters.hotWaterOperationTimerTableWeek[0].on #9

Closed trulsant closed 8 months ago

trulsant commented 2 years ago

I am trying to control the time when hotWaterOperation is on or off. This is in the parameter hotWaterOperationTimerTableWeek[0].on or .off These are populated with whatever I have entered on the Luxtronik controller manually.

When trying to inject a value, the same was as it is working for e.g. payload.parameters.heating_curve_end_point, it don't work, no error messages, just is not updated.

Are there any special way of "adressing" an array, other than using "hotWaterOperationTimerTableWeek[0].on" as parameter?



coolchip commented 2 years ago

Hello. Every parameter that you want to write into your heatpump has to be defined in the luxtronik.js implementation. Check this:

Feel free to send me a pull request with all data you would like to send to your heatpump.

Andy-W4n commented 1 year ago

Was there already done a pull request? I would have the same use case and some other like temperature night reduction.

coolchip commented 1 year ago

Unfortunatelly not. I would need at least the matching IDs fir this. You can slso look here:

Andy-W4n commented 1 year ago

Is there a "trick" how to get the correct matching IDs?!

I wolud need at least

Do you know what i mean?!

"Nice to have" would be the array for hotWaterOperationTimerTableWeek[0].on, but perhaps that could be not as easy as setting only one value.

coolchip commented 1 year ago

The best way is to clone the depend none module There you can do and test the extensions you need. Do the changes and look at yout heatpump if the changes appears.

waldbaer commented 1 year ago

Even if there is no user-friendly abstraction yet for hot water operation timer table you could use the RAW write operations (see node docu with parameter msg.raw_parameter and msg.payload. In the luxtronik.js in added in the past several hints about the meaning of these timer table parameters.

for hotWaterOperationTimerWeek these parameter numbers are 406..415

// hot water operation table 0: week.
'hotWaterOperationTimerTableWeek': utils.createTimerTable(heatpumpParameters, 406, 5, true), // 406..415

In my setup I am not modifying the hot water operation but the circulation pump timer. The timer settings (in seconds) might be identical.

// turn on circulation pump at 09:00
msg.raw_parameter = 507;

// turn off circulation pump  at 22:00
msg.raw_parameter = 508;
coolchip commented 1 year ago

Again, thank you very much @waldbaer for helping me answering questions.